Zangoora show is very ok to watch for once, but two things to take care, do not go in for very costly tickets, it is same wherever you sit, you will enjoy the same.
Secondly and the important part is, the show organizers and Kingdom of Dream management is popularizing the show by saying the Actors are Hussain and Gauhar Khan, but in actual their contract is over and now there are some duplicate actors who are playing the roles. We went there specially to see the actors but were shocked to see other faces. Didnt enjoy the show that much after that.
This is called cheating when you tell the public something and show them something else, I didnt like the idea of fooling with public with such costly tickets which range from 1000 to 3000 Rs. and not showing the actual cast on the stage.
The show is full of Bollywood songs and loud music and lots of dancers performing on stage and even around your seats. After fifteen minutes, its only noise and nothing else.