My dad installed Zicom ESS 8 months back and its working smoothly and efficiently. Performance is remarkable . Service engineer himself called us few times to know if the instrument is working properly or not. ?My whole family is happy and excited since its installed , ofcoursefeeling secure too!!!
We would recomend this , if anyone is planning togo for Electronic security systems. better than other companies.Myfriend told me that almost same instrument cost in US is apprx 380USD???
My whole family is happy and excited since its installed , ofcoursefeeling secure too!!!We would recomend this , if anyone is planning togo for Electronic security systems. better than other companies.Myfriend told me that almost same instrument cost in US is apprx 380USD???
My whole family is happy and excited since its installed , ofcoursefeeling secure too!!!We would recomend this , if anyone is planning togo for Electronic security systems. better than other companies.Myfriend told me that almost same instrument cost in US is apprx 380USD???