Be secure Online
The Internet is a dangerous place to be even though it is not immediately obvious. Every time you are online, your PC is part of a huge network and is uniquely identifiable by its IP number. Anyone experienced enough and interested enough in your machine can easily by exploiting the arious vulnerabilities in the Windows operating system. Windows 98/ME being more insecure than windows 2000/XP.
This is more so for people on permanent connections like cable/broadband and fixed IP DSL that makes there IP number the same even after the PC has been restarted. The machine is then a fixed target for hackers and if you shut down your PC with the hackers job incomplete, he can resume when you are online next. Dynamic IP numbers as in dial up connections make it a little more difficult as they are moving targets.
What Zonealarm does. Zonealarm makes your PC invisible. Someone just scannning IP number for potential victims will not be able to see your computer. Even if he knows you are there and knows your IP number, ZoneAlarm will still prevent access to your PC. In both cases you will be alerted (you can choose to hide these alerts).
Trojan Protection. There are programs called trojans that will let others hack into your computer easily and they in fact provide the means for them to connect to your PC and do everything as if they were sitting on your chair. Zonealarm after installation asks you whenever any program tries to access the internet and you can choose to let it access everytime. So if you are asked if you want to let a program called say Subseven access the net, and you never knew you had a program like that say no, investigate and then say yes.
Email protection. Most viruses today are spread through email. Antivirus programs cannot protect you against the latest viruses unless they release the updates and you download them. Zonealarm (only the Pro version)blocks all potentially dangerous attachments like exe vbs pif and others and prevents you from running them unless you say you trust the file. In short you have to scream, Yes I want a virus infection.
Conclusion. Zonealarm is the best first level defense for your computer online. You want more features, get the paid for PRO version or else the free version is OK too.
Any queries just contact me
Dr. Bijlani