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Member Since:Mar 14, 2002
0 MS Points
41 year old Surgeon with an interest in a vast field of topics. In addition to my profession of Surgery, I indulge in a lot of software and web designing. http://mcug.n3.net is my baby. For all Indians to have their PC problems solved for them free. I did it using asp and database access. Not many doctors out there who could do something like that single handed!!!. Computers, Graphics troubleshooting PC problems.
About Me
Education: Post Graduate
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Monsterindia.com for the employer
Reviewed Monster
Recently I had an opportunity to use monsterindia.com as an employer as I was looking for an assistant and one of their marketing people had strongly recomendRead more...
Nice book for light reading
Reviewed Partner, The - John Grisham
I was a little disappointed with A Painted House by John Grisham but The Partner has once again restored my desire to read more of his books. He is back to whRead more...
Reviewed Egroups
Yahoogroups took over Egroups last year and was a great service. It continued in the same vein as hosting a number of email discussion lists. Simultaneously,Read more...
What dreams are made of..
Reviewed Macromedia Dreamweaver 4
I have had to give up my project of writing a series of articles on Building a website as I discovered just now that MS will let me edit my previous post but Read more...
Get Online (Part-1)
Reviewed Building a Website
I label this as part-1 as hopefully I shall continue to write more on this topic. It is too big to be covered in one article. I do hope this line of presentatRead more...
Have cash...Flaunt it.
Reviewed Nokia 9210
Nokia 9210 I shall of course mention at the end the up coming 9210i The 9110 and the following 9210 were a leap ahead of other mobile phones as the offered,Read more...
Branded computer v/s assembled
Reviewed Branded Vs. Assembled Computers
This is an age old question that comes up whenever someone wants to buy a PC. My personal preferences have always been for assembled computers but that need nRead more...
DSL =/= broadband
Reviewed Dishnet DSL
DSL is not equal to Broadband. Though it is a status symbol. Since cable connections were not available in my area 7 months back and my phone bills were killRead more...
Protect yourself online
Reviewed Zonealarm Firewall
Be secure Online The Internet is a dangerous place to be even though it is not immediately obvious. Every time you are online, your PC is part of a huge netwRead more...
Why bidders are losers.
Reviewed Ebay
When two auction sits started in India, I thought, well good, consumers are going to get into a habit of buying online. Very soon disillusionment set in. EvenRead more...
Photoshop...World of dreams
Reviewed Adobe Photoshop 6
Photoshop 6.0 Theres no other activity other than image editing that fascinates almost every computer user. From the most novice to the graphic professRead more...
Database and spreadsheet software
Reviewed Choosing a Database & Spreadsheet Software
Database Program Choosing a database program is a decision that should be taken after a careful consideration of your needs for the database program. How maRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on raj12888's review
I would agree with your assessment of Znetlive but your suggesting Net4India as a good alternative is some sort of a bad joke.
Commented on taha1's review
Review is more like a feature list in the ads. One would like a more personal and detailed experience.
Rated on taha1's review
Commented on naras1's review
This is not even a review. There are enough forums to have a discussion like this.
Commented on The_Reviewer's review
Well frankly I feel it is a well worded review but as a review it falls a little short. At the end of it there is no clear picture of the pros and cons of the airline and if I were to fly tomorrow I wouldn't know after reading your review whether to do it or not. After all some of the moods, like th Read More...
Commented on own review
The component assembly is even easier today than before. The processors are basically the P4s and the AMD Athlon XP series. Not like a year and a half back where there were different flavours of Athlon and different series of Pentiums. Just decide on the CPU you want and the rest of the assembly Read More...
Commented on tejasvi's review
Could someone explain the end of the movie to me...I saw it and co not have the heart to see the end again. If someone could help.
Commented on relsr's review
I feel a lower rating to Windows 2000 as compared to ME and 98 is totally unjustified. Its like a child cribbing that a toy is too complicated for him. Windows 2000 is much more stable than and previous versions and runs apps much faster than 98/ME. Maybe you should read the minimum recommended req Read More...
Rated on relsr's review
Rated on s_imran80's review
Rated on Jacob2002's review
Rated on pvgm's review
Rated on sujay_marthi's review
Won't that as be seen as off topic? Can't write on Building a website under Photoshop reviews can I? :-)
Followed Monk
Rated on nikki_leeds's review
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