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Member Since:Jan 22, 2002
3 MS Points
<b>I love writing, which is challenged only by my love for reading.</B> OK About me well I am a Blue Blooded true Libran, love to flirt, Love to eat, Love to cook, Love to read, Love to love, Love Music, Love to live, Love to write - But not neccesarily in that order. I am an Optimist and basically have a very positive attitude towards life. Am always happy no matter what the circumstances are. I share a good friendly relationship with GOD. I love him and he loves me back. I live by the words - <b>Khud ko kar bulund itna ke aasman par ja pahuche, Aur khuda khud bande se puche Bataa teri marzi kya hai.</b> . <b>ALERT</b> Friends I have recently immigrated from India to THE UAE. Thats why my reviews have stopped appearing temporarily. I am reading rating and commenting. Will soon be back to writing too. About my ID well <b>REX</b> means <b>A king</b>, and rex was my favorite character in the comics 'Phantom'. He was a little orphan crown prince who is brought up by the phantom. When I first came online and had to register ID's on the net for various sites I just wanted REX. But rex was already taken. So I added <b>007</b> - thats ofcourse from the second character that I like <b>Bond - James Bond.</b> I have varied interests. I love to read, preferably fiction and occasionally Non- fiction too. I love to travel and have travelled from Kashmir to, well not kanyakumari I got as far as Ooty on the southern side. Plan to visit Kanyakumari some day. Among foreign shores I have visited Mauritius, syria,Iraq,Jordan,Egypt and Yemen
About Me
Education: Chartered Accountant
Review of the Day (0)
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Dubai Tour by a Dubai resident.
Reviewed Dubai
Dubai – The city of gold. I have been living in Dubai-United Arab Emirates for almost three and a half years now. So, I guess its time to write a review on tRead more...
The first energee drink.
Reviewed Energee
Well before they introduced drinks in the Energy Drink segments we Indians energised ourselves with Aareys Energee. So move over Shock and Mountain Dew, we sRead more...
Review of Fatal Cure : Robin Cook
Reviewed Fatal Cure - Robin Cook
About the Author: After having read two of his works – Fatal Cure and Coma – This is what I learnt about the author: Robin Cook graduated from CoRead more...
LG RD 2030 Multimedia, Internet ready cell phone
Reviewed LG R2030
A very sleek and stylish phone. The phone is very light but still is feature rich. The ringtones are excellent, being polyphonic – whatever that means.Read more...
Times On Wheels: A News Magazine
Reviewed Times On Wheels
A Times of India and western railway presentation. It’s tag line is for people on the move. This is a fortnightly presentation complimentary to passenRead more...
Regency Restaurant - A good place to dine in.
Reviewed Regency Restaurant - Andheri - Mumbai
Recently I visited Regency Restaurant in Andheri (E). It is just off the Western Express Highway on the road you would take to go to Andheri (W). I had visiteRead more...
Movie review of Bollywood Hollywood.
Reviewed Bollywood Hollywood
Good Movie. Old story, fresh narration. The story is what our grandparents have seen in the movies of their time. But the narration and perspective are quite Read more...
Nokia 3315 - Basic Instincts.
Reviewed Nokia 3315
Have been using this phone for 6 months now. Guess I am qualified to write a review on it. The phone looks sleek and sexy as compared to the 3310. I am compaRead more...
Viva la Maurice – Long Live Mauritius.
Reviewed Mauritius - General
Mauritius is a beautiful sun and sand country. It is off the shores of Africa, an Island, infact a cluster of Islands. As such distance from the Main ContinenRead more...
Bajaj Chetak: Style matched only by Performance
Reviewed Bajaj Chetak 1999
Named after the noble and devoted horse of Maharana Pratap this scooter from the Bajaj stable once ruled the roads of India. It still is the Worlds LargRead more...
Division of India, Creation of Pakistan.
Reviewed Man Who Divided India, The - Rafiq Zakaria
An excellent insight into the man (?) who was solely responsible for the partition of our beloved mother country - Undivided India, into two parts Pakistan anRead more...
3 Musketeers. Yummy chocolate bar.
Reviewed 3 Musketeers
Named after a very Hit book and movie, this is a Hit chocolate bar. The wrapper describes the bar as Whipped up, Fluffy Chocolate – on Chocolate Taste. Read more...
Barista - an experience
Reviewed Barista Lavazza - Bannerghatta Road - Bangalore
I had never really been to any other coffee shop till the day I dropped in at Baristas. Now I am hooked. When I first entered Barista at linking road baRead more...
Peace or Pieces – Your Choice.
Reviewed Can there be peace in a world of sudden terror
It is upto an individual to choose whether they want to be at peace or not. Peace is a very subjective term. Peace as defined by dictionary.com is as followsRead more...
What happened ?
Reviewed Sanjivani
If I had written this review after the first 5 to 6 episodes, I would have gushed eloquent about this new lease of life to my TV serial viewing. Before this sRead more...
Reliance India Mobile - A CDMA offering
Reviewed Reliance Mobile Operator
Few hours left for the glorious moments that we all have been awaiting for, the formal inauguration of the RELIANCE INFOCOMM TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES by ShRead more...
Read, Re read, then rate.
Reviewed Rating Reviews on MouthShut
Its the season for giving - and what could be better than giving away free advice? Ho Ho Ho. Rating a review must be the most debated issue on MS. BefoRead more...
A teacher I am not.
Reviewed Writing Reviews on MouthShut
Well its difficult to tell you how to write a great review. Reason being that when I write a review, I am not thinking about how to make it the best revRead more...
Do you really need Self Start for such a bike ?
Reviewed Bajaj Pulsar
The Bike is well designed, looks great – especially in Red. Does remind one of Harley Davidson bikes. But one feature according to me is really not suitRead more...
Good Site
Reviewed Paheli
I always enjoyed playing at paheli.com And this was the only site where I played only for fun without expecting any returns in the forms of prizes. The questRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on A7867's review
Commented on A7867's review
I doubt if this person has actually read the book - there is no review only his opinion about some historical persons.
Rated on merimaacinemaa's review
Commented on cutedoggie's review
That is an excellent review. You have researched well for this. Ciao, Shabbir
Rated on cutedoggie's review
Rated on satej's review
Rated on coolguy1's review
Commented on amrita's review
Great review, very informative. I am also a ICICI customer since almost seven years now, and never had a problem with them as I never opted for human contact. I did all my banking on the Net and ATM (Ofcourse I stopped dealing with them since last three years as I moved out of the country) However Read More...
Rated on amrita's review
Commented on sputhran's review
Your review reminded me of the times I have eaten in Lucky. Infact many a times me and my wife have had the lovely tandoori and biryani there. Hmmm I think I should visit the place again soon. Shabbir
Rated on sputhran's review
Followed Faerie
Rated on zuludancing's review
Commented on criminal's review
you have not touched upon the other viewpoint which I feel carries weight. If a girl pesters a man to sleep with her, and that too since 6 months, well ??? How can the man be called a baddie ? I think Shakti is also a victim here. A victim of the greed for TRP's by a tv channel.
Rated on criminal's review
Rated on manobendra's review
SLB should thank you for generating so much interest in his movie. I haven't seen the movie yet, but after reading your review, I just can't wait to see the movie. Tell a man not to do somethin and he will immediately go out and do it. :-) . Anyways your writing skills are excel Read More...
Rated on Lilfern's review
Shwetabh (@marked_1MouthShut Verified Member)
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Swapnil Shinde (@Lodha_GroupMouthShut Verified Member)
Dr Prashant Joshi (@drjoshic9MouthShut Verified Member)
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Nikhil Jaglan (@nikhiljaglan275MouthShut Verified Member)
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Moinuddin Ansari (@moinuddinans90MouthShut Verified Member)
Kishor Salvi (@KishorSalvi503MouthShut Verified Member)
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Akshay Gundecha (@akshaypgundechaMouthShut Verified Member)
Nooreena Qadri (@PlanetSparkMouthShut Verified Member)
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mahra17 Shaikh (@mahra17MouthShut Verified Member)
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