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west bengal
Member Since:Mar 26, 2017
200 MS Points
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Bajaj mixer good for small family
Reviewed Bajaj GX1 500 W Mixer Grinder
It has been almost five years my family is using bajaj mixer grinder the GX1 model. the grinder machine is small and light so that you can move it to anywherRead more...
Good for your hair
Reviewed Pantene Pro-V Color Vitalising Conditioner
Pantene pro-v color vitalising conditioner is one of best conditioner I have ever used. the material is thick and looks like creme. the fragrance is magnificRead more...
Yummy and crunchy
Reviewed Nestle KitKat
Kitkat is a product from nestle available in all the retailer shop. it is not pure chocolate but the quantity is very much enough. when you bite it for the fRead more...
Value for money
Reviewed Patanjali Chikistalay Strawberry Lip Balm
Patanjalis new product the strawberry lip balm is very good for your pocket and also for your lips. it costs only 25 rupees and will get from any patanRead more...
Good anti-baiotic shop
Reviewed Margo Soap
Margo bight be the oldest ayurvedic shop that helps to fight with germs. it is used by most of the Indians, those who are conscious about their health. its aRead more...
I like it
Reviewed Vaseline Intensive Care Deep Restore Body Lotion
Vaseline intensive care body lotion is a product from vaseline. it helps you to moisture your skin for a long time. I bought the medium size of the product foRead more...
Very good
Reviewed Dettol Liquid Handwash
A good health needs a good habit. and a good habit is always to stay healthy and clean. Dettol is much known for its anti-Bactria fights from our childhood. Read more...
Harmful to skin
Reviewed Patanjali Saundarya Face Wash
Now a days patanjali has become very popular product for its affordable price. I have used the face wash saundarya only, and my experience is bad. the tube cRead more...
Affordable and solvable product
Reviewed Aswini Homeo Hair Oil
It is almost four years now I am using Aswini hair oil and its others products. price is very cheap compared with the other products in the market. the smallRead more...
A movie that can not be watched more than once
Reviewed Inside Out
How the five emotions of our brain controlled us in our outside world the movie inside out clearly shows it. this imaginary concept of the film is quite new Read more...
Candy crush: a great for everyone
Reviewed Candy Crush
Everyone is known of the name candy crush. now it has become a trend to play candy crush, a popular mobile game, designed by king.com it is basically a stratRead more...
The story will definitely touch your heart
Reviewed God Of Small Things, The - Arundhati Roy
Arundhati Roy came into lime light after her first book The God Small Things. This one single book was enough to give her a lifetime popularity. it completed Read more...
Lumia 540 a very user friendly handset
Reviewed Microsoft Lumia 540
Lumia 540 is the third Smartphone I am using till now. And to me it’s the best. When I bought it, it was 7449 from a renowned online store. And it has been siRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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