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Member Since:Jul 12, 2008
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The network marketing THERE IS NO GUARANTEE
Reviewed Goldquest
CAN YOU GIVE 24 X 7 ?  IF NOT THEN IMPOSSIBLE . EVEN AFTER THAT THERE IS NO GUARANTEE Where is the money coming from for those at the top? From the sucker aRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on mm_arshad's review
Commented on mm_arshad's review
what boring review . just copy and paste
Rated on borntuff's review
Rated on anand_0's review
Commented on anand_0's review
Excellent review and now after reading this i bought my a star, i need more driving tips. My car completed 300kms and returns 14kpl with ac always in mumbai traffic. im keen on mileage due ti its potential, so pl give some more driving tips which will enhance my fuel economy. thanks
Commented on pokhariya's review
completely agreed with u Mohan, if one is 6'10' then Tata Sumo is the best. Dharamji I want to know more abt A star or i10 if u r using it.
Commented on samuelvaseekaran's review
i agree with u samuel i aksed 2 of my friends owning i10, after consulting them i went for a star test drive and booked it. Its ac is powerful and like most marutis it has no problem with gearbox and clutch. I hope u hav a good experience with ur Getz.
Commented on manishchhetri's review
good review but please give some more details abt the vehicle other than music system which will b more benificial for readers as now all decent cars r equipped with integrated audio.
Commented on kumaraashish's review
I had decided to buy i10, but last moment I switched to a star just last minute, now my a star has crossed 310 km and i checked my mileage by refuelling i got 17kpl without ac in mumbai, im happy it shud cross 20kpl after first service and i got what i wanted. i think im getting same pleasure in a s Read More...
Commented on jfulsundar's review
So true. Nice phone and design but sad part is battery life. You need to carry 2 batteries may be. yes E 51 is better option.
Rated on jfulsundar's review
Commented on unifav2006's review
I think you are totaly confused and confusing everybody. You are not a owner of a BMW. Remember this This is a absolute Value For Money Car and for those who want their dream car with little savings, so ENJOY YOUR DREAM CAR. Best buy for small segment car
Commented on abhishekna's review
you work , you work , you work................ It works, it works , it works ...................... Only Sincerety pays. No shortcut in life. Otherwise you would have Crores of rupees in your bank account. Find a mentor who is successful in this business.
Rated on viswanadh's review
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