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Member Since:Jan 21, 2009
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Education: MBA
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Mind Blowing, Truly Awesome
Reviewed Murder 2
Had a choice between Chillar Party and Murder2, I settled for the latter and to my expectation the movie did not let me down. A high voltage drama which has nRead more...
Good Calling
Reviewed Karthik Calling Karthik
Karthik Farhan, once again proves his ability to act and this time he takes his audience along with him in his journey from low self image loser to a respecteRead more...
Rann.. A peep in the media houses
Reviewed Rann
Watched Rann, feeling RGV has created some thought provoking movie. And Yes! he has made it well. RGV is one of the talented and intelligent producers of BollRead more...
True Star/ Mileage rally
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki A Star
Hey Guys, Never thought I would come back to you so soon after my first review on A-Star a week ago, but here is some breaking news on the A-Stars Mile Stone Read more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on jaydesai93's review
Beware of BP petrol pumps, they are cheats big time, congratulations you took it up. Bravo
Commented on own review
Hey Maaz Nawaz, Thank you for your appreciation. I m glad you liked the review.
Commented on jebby's review
Hey Roy, Like you i too intend to buy the white iPhone, i checked various sites on the feedback and i got to know Apple has made certain hardware changes to make it White compatible as the color interfered with the functioning. However they have sorted the flash issue too. The White phone is 0.2mm Read More...
Commented on sweetgeek's review
Agree with you 100%, i have many such instances when the car had to be braked suddenly and controlled, i keep falling in love with my A-star time and agin, Its the most secured and controlled car i have ever driven. HATs off to Maruti and A-star
Commented on josebi's review
A-Star has a K series engine, so it should give good mileage from the time you drive the car out of the showroom (so all the talks of getting better mileage after X nos of kms is old school talk, which was true for Euro 3-4 engines which Maruti had earlier). I hope you are getting the car serviced f Read More...
Commented on ukderebail's review
Well, our friend seems to have a Love Hate relation with Astar, But seems once u buy it its like being married u have to live with it. I m a proud owner of Astar since 2 years now, with the speedometer boasting 30,000 Kms now. I don not have so many complains as our friend (Read my Review Plz) My s Read More...
Commented on yupreti's review
Nice attempt, Nice review. Well i somehow don't agree with some points after driven Astar for 25000 Kms. Astar is not a family car, its a sports car and a style statement at affordable price, so it needs to be respected for the boot space it offers (sports cars should be strictly double door, wond Read More...
Commented on radiodoc's review
Was that a review or an egg hitting stunt. I m 6 feet (182.88 cm), and i have been driving A-Star over a year, n i never got cramped.
Commented on uskonkankar's review
Dude, Looks like u recently learnt to drive. Most of the problems posed by you looks self inflicting. Guess u will get used to your wonderful sports car. I have covered 20,000 Kms in a-star, and i think its the best investment i made. If possible read my review. Good Luck.. Cheers !!!
Commented on biswajitred's review
Good write up. Humor made it an interesting read. Totally agree on your experience, I have covered 16000 kms till date in my A-Star
Rated on biswajitred's review
Commented on contactronak's review
Cool Review, I got to know from CNBC Auto Car show, that you can upgrade the wheels to 15 inches, do you know anyone who has done it?
Commented on sathudr's review
1) Ford American Brand : Avoid all American Brands if possible. My Bro has a very bad exp with Ford Ikon maintenance, he has sworn never to look that side 2) GO for LXI version of Ritz and upgrade the features, Dnt go for VXI 3) Good u r considering resale value, u r an intelligent customer, Ritz Read More...
Commented on raikhelkar's review
Good Review, But i seriously have doubts about this cars success, as its a relaunch of Ford Fusion, made affordable. Driving is sluggish and lot of road noise can be heard inside he car. The silver on the interior looks very cheap, and the maroon god save it all.
Commented on mishal153's review
This Burger King is local player and not a part of the International player (as logo published on this page). Burger King though has a strong history, i believe that these guys introduced burgers to pune-ites, Mac Donalds came far far too later. This joint has been our friend circles fav since coll Read More...
Commented on ashishrbarman's review
Great to know about your passion for Astar. My car was made before Aug 09 and i did not have any problem of fuel gaskit (if it did, i would nt have won the Astar rally with a milage of 33.15Kms/Litre), still the humble Maruti people called me and changed got it changed a month ago. No other car i Read More...
Hey Navin, Thank you for taking out time to read my review, Its worth a once dekho.
Rated on vikeshikavikeshika's review
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