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Member Since:Dec 21, 2007
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EVDO still in experimental stage
Reviewed BSNL EVDO
After trying to cope up with problems of using Tata Indicom Plug2suffer for last 3 months, I finally decided to change my operator. At first I thought of goinRead more...
One of the best in Mumbai
Reviewed PVR: Nirmal Lifestyle Mall - Mulund West - Mumbai
The PVR at Nirmal Life Style in Mulund west (On the LBS Marg) is one of the best in Mumbai. Siting is very comfortable with reclinable and wide seats. You wiRead more...
Plug 2 Suffer: Pathetic ISP
Reviewed Tata Indicom
Its the most pathetic internet connection I ever had, even slower then dial up connections I used almost 8-9 years back. And its unreliable too, data transferRead more...
Perhaps the best Mixer Grinder in Market
Reviewed Philips HL 1643
This 600 Watt Super grinder is one of the best Mixer Grinder for Indian Market. Though the company says its Super Silent, its not that Silent. May be 30-40%Read more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on mahascorpio's review
Rated on corresboyoo7's review
Commented on corresboyoo7's review
Deviated from main idea of rating the bike instead he wrote a maketing strategy
Commented on own review
after owning it for last 24 hours, some more input. I downloaded a 4.3 GB file (opensuse Linux 11) in around 20 hours. Average speed I am getting is around 512 kbps (not bad if you compare that for Rs. 550/- per month, you will be getting 512 kbps unlimited broadband, best price). The only thing tha Read More...
Rated on milind78's review
Rated on AudioSlave_unleash's review
Rated on skorpio's review
Rated on Ak_India's review
Rated on aneeshkamat's review
Rated on rsl7780's review
Commented on rsl7780's review
Security check is not related to quality or service of any theatre and its part of legal framework. Not allowing of food stuff is policy of almost all the multiplexes these days, we should go to court to challange that. its really sucks.
Rated on methebest2004's review
Commented on bhargav_mb's review
bhargav i'll recommend you do a small test, just ping www.google.com from your windows command prompt and note the average round trip time on tata indicom. then try the same from any other normal ISP. the data transfer in ping is so less that there should'nt be much of time difference between two Read More...
Followed rajasagar
Rated on rajasagar's review
Commented on vishalvkale01's review
Let me complete yout statement, parking is very good at TI except on Weekends, which no one can help as TI has become a place of tourist interest for Indoris.
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