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Member Since:Apr 20, 2009
20 MS Points
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Never order with them
Reviewed Igp
Order Id: 8075062;was promised to be delivered on 21st Oct 22 but was delivered on 26th October. It was a dewali gift which was delivered post dewali. SRead more...
Reviewed Fitslash
Guys, be careful of this fraudulent website. They are delivering cheaper products in place of you actual orders. I made a mistake of not checking reviews befoRead more...
Reviewed Myflowertree
This company is scam!! They didnt deliver my order no: 1002016. Their customer care doesnt work. This seems to be an online scam. People should neRead more...
Beware of Just Dial
Reviewed Justdial
Just dial isnt a company one should trust. I had been using just dial in the past. It was fine till I was buying. however when I had a problem due to faRead more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
Followed Support_IGP
Commented on Baron's article
Thanks!!! I was about to call Dr. Fixit for roof water proofing for about 11500 sq.ft!! These big companies don't care about their customers... better select your own references.
Dr. Fixit Waterproofing - Avoid at all costs
Commented on ronakmanojshah's review
They will never call you nor they would do anything to resolve. Any cheater can be just dial vendor and can rob innocent people. Inform all people you know so atleast they can be saved from this fraudulent company
Just dial is the biggest fraud!!! Never use them... you got your lesson... i got mine too!! inform all people you know... so they atleast aren't cheated!!
Rated on ronakmanojshah's review
Rated on mahavirdhoka's review
Rated on Deepak30252's review
Commented on Deepak30252's review
Are you a paid from Just dial to write this post? Aren't you aware that just dial is a bog fraud?? They charge money from poor vendors and send them fake inquiries?? There are also many complaints where just dial is introducing cheat suppliers to people who rob people and in turn just dial refus Read More...
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