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west bengal
Member Since:Jun 04, 2008
0 MS Points
guitarist, journalist, writer,psychoanalyst and philosopher of own self. music, reading and writing, activism
About Me
Music: jazz,blues,neo classicalQuotes: i have 10 fingers which i have used successfully through my guitar...
Music: jazz,blues,neo classical
Quotes: i have 10 fingers which i have used successfully through my guitar...
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Shred it out!!
Reviewed Five Best Guitarists
I came across such posts, reviews, blogs or whatever you may say in a wholelotta sites and communities. My perception of talking about the top 5 guitarists isRead more...
Via Darjeeling - An experimented venture
Reviewed Via Darjeeling
Via Darjeeling would be written down as another heart pounding thriller gone dead due to the over experimentation of the script. The film which is inspired frRead more...
Olypub - The waterhole of Kolkata
Reviewed Olypub - Park Street - Kolkata
Get a life at Oly Pub- the famous beer pit of Kolkata. The pub commonly known as Oly has been one of the oldest yet charming pubs of Kolkata. The adda with a Read more...
Someplace else - Still got the blues
Reviewed Someplace Else - Park Street - Kolkata
The pub situated inside the Park Hotel, is one of the heritage of the city. The bluesy-psyche atmosphere with the great music is what makes the place so speciRead more...
Concern Regarding My Experience at Sankara Nethra
Reviewed Sankara Nethralaya - Nungambakkam - Chennai
Dear Sir/Madam, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to share my deeply concerning experience at Sankara Nethralaya, Nungambakkam, Chennai, whichRead more...
Commented on own review
thanx dev..i aprreciate..i will put up more infos.
Commented on nirvana666's review
hmm...shawn lane, ron thal,bucket head, goncalo perreira, joe pass, howie simon, malmsteen , becker, friedman etc..u shud have included becker and lane in your list..the classical/flamenco section was good...i grew up listenin to adres sergovia..the father of classical guitarn..
a great place with great ambience..pretty nostalgic..love the music..love the blues..
the review was good..but felt like somewhat biased..should have given some cons of the pub..anways...a great review..:)
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