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Member Since:Feb 01, 2010
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Never buy microtek UPS
Reviewed Microtek UPS - EB
Their 600 VA UPS, gives an output of only 250 VA, enough only to run a CPU. Their officials openly admit this value, but then give the explanation that 600 VARead more...
Never buy Microtek UPS
Reviewed Microtek UPS - E²
The 600 VA microtek UPS that I bought for my brand new computer, never worked. so I called up their official for an explanation and this is what I got in replRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on own review
@ puma_san its really surprising that as an engineer, u dont know that UPS power is measured in VA ( voltage multiplied by current) if u had managed to pass ur 9th standard, u wud have realised that P=VI just check out the ads by APC ups on this very site
yes, that in fact is a very good review coz it helped a lot of people make decision of not buying the microtek UPS. besides, there aint anything about praising myself in my review. moreover, how can i , on my own , make a inverter better?????? u expect me to nurture a inverter so that it outgrows Read More...
i think the best UPS to buy is the APC ups. its costly( 500 VA costs around 2700 rupees) , but heard not a single bad word about it from anyone
i wud like to be more specific on the technicality part!! The above experience was not individualistic, but shared by 4 of my friends. so now one of my friends decides to see what exactly is wrong in the ups( battery,etc). so he replaces the microtek battery with a brand new exide battery. yet t Read More...
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