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Member Since:May 02, 2013
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HSBC - Worst Bank Ever
Reviewed HSBC - Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation
HSBC has over the last few years gone from a professional and attentive bank to one of the worst. They seem to hire people with no skills, have no respect forRead more...
WARNING! when dealing with Sulekha.com
Reviewed Sulekha
This is just to inform others out there, to be aware of Sulekha.com and their ability to cheat and scam you. I recently paid Rs. 15, 000 for a banner ad. SmiRead more...
Delivery Delays & Harassment by Health Consultant
Reviewed Truemeds
The problem with ordering from Truemeds is that the order processing time is extremely high. If you are in a hurry to get the medicine, you cant use theRead more...
Commented on own review
Dear All. On the 29th of May 2013 we received a call from Smitha (+91 90350 12043) informing us that the cheque that was to have been returned has arrived at their office. She threatened us to remove all the reviews that we have placed on websites and insisted that only if we did so, would she Read More...
Dear Team Sulekha. This is so typical of you. Your late response, no understanding of what is going on, lackadaisical and indifferent attitude is why people are so unhappy with your services. You are nothing but a company that robs people of their money, and after that, do nothing about it. It Read More...
swetha gowda (@swethagowda101MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 1
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Asha Poona (@ashajaspercolinMouthShut Verified Member)
Swapnil Shinde (@Lodha_GroupMouthShut Verified Member)
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Shiny Date (@indeedshinyMouthShut Verified Member)
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monkbychoice (@monkbychoiceMouthShut Verified Member)
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Debasish Halder (@debasishalderMouthShut Verified Member)
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Prable Pandey (@pandeyprable88MouthShut Verified Member)
Anmol Mathus (@anmolmehta07510751MouthShut Verified Member)
Om Singh Knowledge Tank (@omsingh1553526MouthShut Verified Member)
Dr Maan Physiocare (@drmaanphysiocareMouthShut Verified Member)
Madhav Bahadur (@madhavbahadur25MouthShut Verified Member)
Murali Ramakrishnareddy (@abhibus1MouthShut Verified Member)
Deepak Goel (@deegees11MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 12
Surya Pandian (@suryapandianMouthShut Verified Member)
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Fizza Khan (@favvxnvdhznsjhs12MouthShut Verified Member)
Ravi_Kapudia (@Ravi_KapudiaMouthShut Verified Member)
Shaikh Adnan Sami (@shaikhadnansami4MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 11
Manish Singh (@Manish199MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 6
Akhil Jain (@akhil2augustMouthShut Verified Member)