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Member Since:Jul 22, 2008
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Modus operandi of HSBC and HSBC Canara
Reviewed Canara HSBC Life Insurance
I cannot agree more with the other posting as I am a victim of HSBC here. I was a proud HSBC premier customer for 13 years and finally they cheated me systemaRead more...
Good phone but after sale service is pathetic...
Reviewed Motorola Em 325
Purchased a EM 325 from Moto Store, Pune on 3rd Jan 09 for my wife.. She really liked the phone.. we all were happy with the purchase.. after a months use theRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on vinodky2000's review
Vinod, i was in the situation where you were. some nice, polished, presentable Citibank Sales agent (sorry i cannot call them relationship managers) sold me shitty policy that gave me no return at all. i had to surrender the policy after 5-6 years get my money and invest in Mutual fund. now i cannot Read More...
Rated on vinodky2000's review
Commented on stunningsum's review
Hi Anurag, public abusing is the need of the hour, the way banks and insurance companies are cheating people is un-imaginable. the more i speak to people the more angry i am becoming. In fact i am planing to start a website to share insurance horror stories. if writings have helped, we would n Read More...
Commented on rbais's review
they are another un-ethical company just stay away from them. otherwise they will suck all your blood.
Rated on rbais's review
Commented on dollysahoo's review
Miss Dolly, i think they all are together. i was cheated big time by Citibank + Birlasunlife in the name of investment. i had a credit card from Citibank and i was given an option to pay monthly installment of the premium free of charge. i thought it was a good deal but nobody told me about the allo Read More...
Rated on kariene29's review
Commented on murthy007's review
Stay away from Birlasunlife.. if Citibank is involved they will suck you further. Citybank + Birlasunlife is a deadlear combination. i was sold a insurance policy in the name of investmanet and after 6 years i manged get 90% of my investment money .. Jago Grahak Jago
Rated on murthy007's review
Rated on perfectgarg's review
Commented on sud_sun's review
this is NOT a Punto review rather a Dealer review.. can the moderator either remove this from this forum or move to appropriate forum.
Commented on srikanthnt's review
Batra clinic says that 94% patients benefited from their treatment and only 8 didn't get good result.. Unfortunately i am one of that remaining 6% and i spoke with many of my friends and I could not find a single person in that 94% bucket :) all are in the 6% bucket.. this is really funny and Read More...
Commented on ArunJames's review
Buddy no need to lose heart.. get your problems fixed .. talk to some Royal Enfield Service Engineers, not the guys at the delear's workshop... few years back they had replaced the entire engine of my TB....
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