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Member Since:Jul 26, 2007
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Hats off to deccan for offering this sector
Reviewed Simplifly Deccan
So after hearing so much about this "air deccan" , I finally get to ride it!!mWe had been planning to go to shimla but didn`t want to experience those long hoRead more...
A pleasant and efficient flying experience
Reviewed SpiceJet
I recently went on a delhi-pune and back flight on spicejet on 5th july. at first I was a bit hesitant towars spicejet as I had never flown on a low cost airlRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on bonemaker's review
WHAT A GREAT REVIEW ON VERSA!!!!!!!!! NOW SOON WRITE ONE ON THE CHEVY SRV........ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sanchit
Commented on sidharth_007's review
(TO SIDDHART-OO7) i agree with you----WHAT WENT WRONG WITH THE AUTO CAR VERDICT>?????--- the chevy sr-v touches your heart strings, doesn`t it??????my father bought a srv 3 months back and your opinions are the same as his, the lokks are outstanding, the cabin is verrrryyyy spacious . the Read More...
Commented on kumar.santhana's review
i agree with u whole heartidly on the fact that why people flock towards the getz and especially the swift when the new palio stile is a very fantastic car( and a bit cheaper too).It`s nice to know that someone agrees with the fact that the palio stile is one of the best and the most underrated car Read More...
Commented on munnapatel's review
it feels like u hv written a review on the normal indigo!!!!, not the XL!!! Can u please evaluate on the special features of this car (which the normal one hasnt) like the rear ac vents , extra legroom and space ,seat mounted dvd player, nokia bluetooth package etc................... can u tell mo Read More...
Rated on finno's review
Commented on rohitthebest's review
i totally agree with you, the food and service of indian( now air india) is pretty good but their aircrafts are DECADE OLD and the landing is absolutely horrible and i agree with u on ur comments abt the mumbai airport too, it`s so congested and confusing!!! -by the way, thanks for the adv Read More...
Commented on saurabhsri04's review
i think spicejet is better as they serve good sandwiches and food and the aircraft is also more pleasant
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