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Member Since:Nov 30, 2008
0 MS Points
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A complaint against MouthShut.com
Reviewed Mouthshut
I see MouthShut is allowing brand managers to respond and resolve issues. I think there are loopholes(may not be intentional) that can work in favor of bad brRead more...
I made a mistake
Reviewed Country Club - Lakeside - Bangalore
Unfortunately I took the membership in Bangalore a few months back. I keep going out regularly and thought of getting membership of a club. Incidentally the cRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
No, I did not get any reply. What kind of resolution are you talking about?
Commented on inventsomething's review
Good idea. Please create a group. We will share our experience. I am not happy with what Mouthshut has started doing recently. Let us have country club reviews on a more neutral site.
Commented on monikathatsme's review
Could you please let everyone know what they did to resolve the issue? Since this review is resolved, it is not showing up in main set of reviews and not counted towards rating the product.
Part 2 of the comment Now there were the 3 important aspects of this transaction; I pay, you provide me holidays, and plots. All aspects were bad. Now you have to understand that some relationships are beyond repair. Also when one party in NOT interested in fixing issues (in this case YOUR COMPA Read More...
Here is my latest reply to country club which is 1.5 months back. No reply after that. Due to character limit, I am posting it in 2 parts. Hi, I got a call from the department that does plot registration. I am NOT interested in getting the plot anymore. I was at your office in Hyderabad a Read More...
Friends ... here is my response to Country Club. This is posed as a comment and has risk of getting ignored. So posting on main page again. -------------------------------- Nice to hear from you even if it is after 6 years. All the best for the social media management initiative. My review c Read More...
Rated on pratimaganesh's review
Rajendra K. Gupta (@cityjuMouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 12
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U Prashanth Nayak (@EarnesTasterMouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 156
Vasu_Aggarwal (@Vasu_AggarwalMouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 1
Aakriti Thakur (@HealthiansMouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 0
Amrit Lal (@amritlalbaranwalMouthShut Verified Member)
Minati Behera (@minatimeisterMouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 2
Oommen715 (@Oommen715MouthShut Verified Member)
Sukhwant Dhariwal (@as1922MouthShut Verified Member)
Ranjan Kaul (@caranjankaulMouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 4
Misbah Qadri (@misbahqadri92MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 27
Faraz Khan (@khanfarazahmadMouthShut Verified Member)
JaswantB415 (@JaswantB415MouthShut Verified Member)
Devi Mounika (@mounikadevi765MouthShut Verified Member)
Madhav Bahadur (@madhavbahadur25MouthShut Verified Member)
Mandeep Singh (@OMX_3388MouthShut Verified Member)
Pankaj Kumar (@Pankaj0432MouthShut Verified Member)
Arvind Gupta (@Arvind1961MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 3
Surya Pandian (@suryapandianMouthShut Verified Member)
Pokkisha Posha (@pokkishabMouthShut Verified Member)
Akashaditya Lama (@akashadityalamaMouthShut Verified Member)