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Member Since:May 28, 2016
80 MS Points
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Fraud Portal - Helping fraud Doctors
Reviewed Practo
I had fixed an appointment with a doctor thru this Portal. I visited the doctor, .It was a horrible experience! when I came to the portal to give my feedback,Read more...
Chennai Colorectal Clinic/Dr VenketeshMunikrishna
Reviewed Chennai Colorectal Clinic - Chennai
I had a terrifying experience with Dr.Venketesh Munikrishnan and till now it is haunting my mind like a nightmare.My husband just escaped alive from the handsRead more...
Job Scams in Scope International Chennai
Reviewed Scope International Pvt LtdÂ
I am writing this review to inform all candidates who are applying for openings in Scope International, Chennai, about the job scam taking place in this CompaRead more...
Flipkart.com - Terrible
Reviewed Flipkart
I had ordered a necklace in Flipkart.com.It took a long time to get the current tracking updated in the website.It showed the item was out for delivery.So I tRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on own review
@jagdishdevarajan What authority have you got to comment about my bitter experience with this said friend doctor of yours!! How can you say that this is a fake review? Are you a direct witness of my experience?I have got more than enough documentary proofs for my claims.Regarding what I said in my Read More...
Commented on SriShwetha1's review
Mr Fake, you have no other business than sitting with reviews written by ladies and using threatening language? Whom do you think you are? We are writing genuine experience and what business you have to say we are writing fake reviews?Many people are writing reviews here.But one is getting irritat Read More...
Commented on srividhyakanan's review
@victorrose1985 Do stop writing big lies like this.Even God won't forgive. Why he is so interested in white washing this school.It seems obvious that he has some vested interests in the way he's so upset with Srividya's review.Is this the way a decent person who claims to be just a par Read More...
Commented on mroseline30's review
Such a fake review. I was sending my kid to this school and couldn't stand the arrogant behaviour of the Vice Principal, an old lady and me along with many others took TC from this school.I can provide the proof that I gave a big some as donation initially without a receipt.Very greedy managemen Read More...
Commented on victorrose1985's review
I am living Very near to this school and know very well about the bad reputation of this school.oflate I have been seeing fake reviews by few persons who are related to the staff of this school.Many teachers wards are studying here and many of my friends have removed their wards from this school. I Read More...
Rated on yamini1111's review
Rated on Radha1969's review
Commented on somagorai06's review
Most unprofessional school without any recognition from CBSE board or any experienced teaching staff and a good for nothing Vice Principal who never had any previous teaching experience or any proper qualifications.
Rated on somagorai06's review
Commented on LINCYEVANGELINEdrm's review
Hi, I am glad you agree you worked for this cheating school and so writing such big lies in a trustworthy site like mouth shut. I can prove what you have said here is the biggest lies I have heard. Don't misguide people like this in mouth shut for your personal benefits.
Commented on snehapk1994sp's review
Fake review all full lies. Noone should dare to post lies in this page.
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Manoj Shah (@manojsshahMouthShut Verified Member)
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ShaDaB Mobile Center (@akhtarniaxi99MouthShut Verified Member)
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