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Member Since:Aug 15, 2010
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Beware of hidden cost in Fast Track Taxi
Reviewed Fast Track Taxi
I booked Fast track taxi over phone  on 12/9/13 for picking me up at Chennai Central railway station  on 13/9/13, at 11 am when Sadhabthi express form BangaloRead more...
Proven Inverter
Reviewed Videocon ECO Tech UPS H 800 VA
It gives silent performance and fans do not make noise.LCD display is good. I had earlier videocon inverter (250 VA) for 12 years and still it is in working cRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on loveenemy's review
Well said. Let those who want prono pay for it instead of every one suffering.
well said. let them pay and get what they want instead of every one suffering.
Followed manjunatha_v007
Rated on Sandhraj's review
Commented on vinayshivakumar's review
I am an engineer and retired scientist who has used homeopathy and understood its working scientifically as follows: Firstly the homeopathy medicine is prepared by diluting and more importantly by shaking when the medicinal energy is released. This can be seen by the Kirlion photography as shown in Read More...
Commented on brun0subir7's review
Thanks to Subir & Holla for the review of videocon Eco Tech 850 inverter. I also purchased the same and is working fine. It is costly in Bangalore (Rs 5500). It is not available in many shops and also in www.edigiworld.com. My old inverter is also videocon and is still working after 12 years!!! (It Read More...
Commented on mr_suresh's review
Well done mr.Suresh. Adding one more point. To get 3hrs power from the unit you have selected 130amp hr.battery. Normally the unit shuts down if the battery energy is drained by 80% to protect the battery life. This means only 2.4 hr supply is possible or alternatively one has to go in for higher ca Read More...
well done Mr.Suresh. One more point to add. You have selected 130 amp hr battery for 3 hrs at full load. But to stop the battery draining fully the unit will shut down when 80% of energy is consumed which means you can get around 2.4 hrs of service ( or 130x0.8 amp hr) and not 3hrs. Alternatively yo Read More...
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