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Member Since:Feb 04, 2004
10 MS Points
About Me
Education: Bachelors
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Good hotel
Reviewed Jullundur Hotel - Chandigarh
While checking out, we left our luggage at the hotel to visit the Rock garden. By mistake, I left my wallet with my credit n debit cards next to a PC near my Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on ansa77's review
Hi I would like to know more about the place you stayed. can you mail me your feedback and the contacts at sarkar.ranju@gmail.com. We are a family of five, with a kid, and will be going in October 2012, including elderly people. Are there any other clean and reasonable hotels outside the park? Read More...
Commented on Nidzz's review
hi, Can you suggest a clean and reasonable hotels outside the park? regards, ranju
Rated on sudiptoghosh's review
Commented on sudiptoghosh's review
hi Sudipto, What is the way to book rooms in the Forest Department. I am family of five, with a kid, and will be going in October 2012. Can you guide me? Are their any other clean and reasonable hotels outside the park? Regards, Ranju
Commented on cathycomatose's review
hi. I wish to buy a scooter for my wife, she's 34 and just learnt to drive. she needs to drive 15 km a day, sometimes with a pillion. Would you suggest the Dio, or should I go for the more time-tested Activa, which though heavier, offers better mileage. How do you rate the e-bikes? regards, ranj Read More...
Commented on drggupta's review
Dr Gupta, hi. I wish to buy a scooter for my wife, she's 34 and just learnt to drive. she needs to drive 15 km a day, sometimes with a pillion. Would you suggest the Dio, or should I go for the more time-tested Activa, which though heavier, offers better mileage. How do you rate the e-bikes? reg Read More...
Commented on basu.debjani's review
hi! can you suggest a decent budget place to stay in Palolem? thanks ranju
Commented on pareshp's review
hi. is your machine working fine now? would you recommend someone to buy? regards, ranju
Commented on vijaysharma07's review
hi! will you still recommend someone to buy this phone. I am CDMA-Reliance customer, and looking for a phone which provides a very large phone book - 2000 nos or more. I would like some sort of net connectivity to check and send mails. Does 6275 support emails & browsing? Can you suggest me a good C Read More...
sarkar2771 said: Aug 15, 2007 12:09 PM hi! will you still recommend someone to buy this phone. I am CDMA-Reliance customer, and looking for a phone which provides a very large phone book - 2000 nos or more. I would like some sort of net connectivity to check and send mails. Does 6275 support em Read More...
Commented on saptarshi_ti's review
hi! will you still recommend one to buy a 3125? I am looking for a large phone book and some kind of net connectivity to check & send mails Which is the best CDMA handset, price is not an issue. thanks & regards, ranju 09322510261
Commented on sphadnis's review
hi! will you still recommend someone to buy this phone? I am Reliance customer, and looking for a phone which provides a very large phone book - 2000 nos or more. I would like some sort of net connectivity to check and send mails. Battery life is critical though I don’t intend using other featur Read More...
hi! will you still recommend someone to buy this phone? I am Reliance customer, and looking for a phone which provides a very large phone book - 2000 nos or more. I would like some sort of net connectivity to check and send mails. Battery life is critical though I don't intend using other features. Read More...
Commented on saurabhc's review
hi! will you still recommend someone to buy this phone. I am Reliance customer, and looking for a phone which provides a very large phone book - 2000 nos or more. I would like some sort of net connectivity to check and send mails. Can you suggest me a good CDMA-Reliance phone? thanks, ranju 93225102 Read More...
Commented on kanaranp's review
hi! were your complaints addressed by Nokia? Which is the best CDMA reliance phone?
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