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Member Since:Jan 24, 2003
0 MS Points
Typical Gemini - Too many interests at the same time make me a Jack of all but Master of None. Post Graduate in Engg. in Electronics, with interest in many things in life like food , sports,technology etc.,!. Technology Geek,Aquarium Fish Breeding,F1 racing,Internet,Food
About Me
Education: M.Tech
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The Only soft drink in BLUE.
Reviewed Pepsi Blue
It is almost a corporate policy at Pepsi to emulate the ideas of Coca cola by launching its me too versions. For a change Pepsi has come up with Pepsi Blue wRead more...
ISP for Late Night Surfing only!
Reviewed MTNL Dial Up
Although there are many ISPs available for the Dial Up consumers, especially in Mumbai where there were more than 30 providers when I had last bothered to couRead more...
''The Place for Noodles!!!''
Reviewed Noodle Bar - Bandra - Mumbai
First of all, Im surprised that Noodle Bar has not been reviewed much in MS (only 1 review). I had been to the Noodle Bar at Phoenix Mill compound., notRead more...
No chupa hua ''maal'' in this
Reviewed Pizza Hut Hotel Blue Diamond Navi - Vashi - Navi Mumbai
There has been such a deluge of Palat meri Jaan and Isme Chupa Hai Maal ads of Pizza Hut on TV., that I had toRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on asyis's review
Commented on madtim's review
Nicely written and enjoyed reading it.I only have one question for you - Do commercials where only female models are featured, mean that the product is only for women? If that would be the case, men would'nt be using most of the products as most commercials in any segment feature only women!
Rated on swapnilravindran's review
Rated on fountainhead_sandy's review
Commented on fountainhead_sandy's review
Hi Sandeep, Welcome to MS. A very good,honest review. It's good to read a review from a person who has used the product, and brought all the pros and cons. Keep writing!
Rated on darshan_bunnyboy's review
Rated on windsofchange's review
Commented on windsofchange's review
I can't understand what your review is about ... is it about the commercial,is it about the DAEs or about the product? Please elaborate as to why you think that it is not a good service with some facts and figures - which is what reviews should be based on. Will rate your review again if you can ela Read More...
Rated on madtim's review
Commented on speedbuster's review
First of all, What Horus has commented is absurd! He talks about a balanced view point which is really beyond my comprehension. Any product might evoke different responses from different people.That's the whole point why people are writing reviews and more people are reading them. There is no right Read More...
Rated on speedbuster's review
Rated on rishi_baig's review
Commented on rishi_baig's review
Hi Saud, Quite a few spelling as well as grammatical mistakes in a review which is quite short and abrupt. But it's always good to read reviews to get to know how other people feel about a product. Please see that your future reviews are mistake free and more to the point.
Rated on crazyplaywright's review
Rated on kurupsindhu's review
Rated on premjit's review
Rated on greatin's review
Followed firstautumn
Commented on firstautumn's review
Hi N! A very good review on 'oranges', but more importantly, written with good wit. I always enjoy reading such fun reviews. Good going!
Rated on firstautumn's review
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