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Member Since:Apr 10, 2017
80 MS Points
studying at sres college of engineering kopargaon 423603
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TASKBUCKS Really paying app.
Reviewed Taskbucks
I was thinking to write a review on the taskbucks, about one month ago when I downloaded the app but I want to share sure information about the working of theRead more...
HOTSTAR- A pocket TV
Reviewed Hotstar
HOTSTAR is really hot app on which we can see number of our favourite shows which are missed on TV like serials, reality shows .App consists number of sectionRead more...
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime
One of my friend have this phone and he is not so happywith that . There are some features like fingure print scanner , 16 gb internal memory , 3 gb ram are tRead more...
Reviewed Byju's
I am using this app and whatever my experience is, I want to share it. First when I downloaded the app I was very happy that I can learn everything through viRead more...
Reviewed Sanjivani College of Engineering - Ahmednagar
My name is saurabh chavan, I am studying in SRES COE , Kopargaon. Though the college is situated in kopargaon but it has potential to compete with the collegRead more...
Reviewed Savitribai Phule Pune University - Pune (Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Hello friends I am studying in SRESCOE KOPARGAON which comes under savitribai phule pune university. Savitribai phule pune university is founded in 1948, wiRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on Xbyrhf65's review
Rated on Joej6300's review
Commented on Joej6300's review
I think you are giving wrong information about the app I also have this I app and it is working properly. I want to tell that the app not pays money if you have downloaded the app before downloading it from the taskbucks. Thank you.
Rated on Abhijeetbendale's review
Rated on sauravsanjactor66's review
Rated on mahiattitude99088's review
Commented on fenil_seta's review
Thanks for your review and congrats for review of the day
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Rated on rockstarksb123's review
Rated on Harish53624's review
Followed mahiattitude99088
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