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Member Since:Apr 03, 2007
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Education: graduate
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Truth Prevails! Purva is shot down!
Reviewed Puravankara Builders - Bangalore
Satyameva Jayate! Purva is downgraded by CRISIL rating. Reason? for what else, delaying their projects! Theyve priced higher and never delivered. All thRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on Euphoria's review
See the tamasha here - this reviewer, after posting some story here, never bothered to come back to the questions asked or any shred of additional information. What further evidence is needed to show that this is a fraudulent post by Purva. If only they spend these times to serve their customers pro Read More...
I think people are getting more aware about these cheats. I already see a general aversion to Purva in my office! Needless to say that I'll update all these incidents to each of them. People are not ready to sit and take whatever they dish out at their own terms. Just wait. Puravankara cannot take p Read More...
Commented on sandy_ptc's review
Rated on sandy_ptc's review
Rated on coolvigo's review
Rated on SensibleMan's review
Commented on SensibleMan's review
I appreciate this guy, trying to be intelligent while working as Purva agents. But the fact remains the same. Cooking up stories like this will never improve the ground realities. Purva, I heard is getting into hotel business, they are planning to use their real estate 'bank' for this. So we know wh Read More...
Rated on RealGooD's review
Commented on RealGooD's review
Joke! First of all, if he got a whopping amount that itself shows things went grossly wrong for him to get such an amount. If he got some 'whopping amount' why is it not standard across all the customers? People are whining here not because they dont have any other job. People are really upset and i Read More...
Rated on TwiceClever's review
Commented on TwiceClever's review
How come only you got such explanations?! This is definitely an insider trying to save the face. The damage is already done. No wonder why your shares were not fully subscribed and why CRISIL snubbed your ratings down. Hell with Puravankara. If I start another series on the cheatings they give, we c Read More...
Rated on Devilsadvocate789's review
Commented on Devilsadvocate789's review
Rated on Openminds01's review
Commented on Openminds01's review
Rated on Incontrol's review
Commented on Incontrol's review
abosultely rubbish. By now we know that you thugs would do anything to save your face. But the damage is already done. No wonder why your shares were not fully subscribed and why CRISIL snubbed your ratings down. Hell with Puravankara.
Rated on upretineeraj's review
Commented on upretineeraj's review
Read the latest news: http://www.hindu. com/2007/ 07/27/stories/ 2007072756170100 .htm. Puravankara is at the wrong end of all real estate fraudulence.
Rated on panoramaowner's review
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