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Uttar pradesh
Member Since:Sep 06, 2004
0 MS Points
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Education: graduation
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Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Zen Estilo
Last month I was on a survey mode for a small car and Thanks Mouthshut and all the contributers here your review helped me a lot to decide the car. I have a Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on jb007's review
Dear Cool Dude , The Selected candidate list is made public, it is a not done by any anystitute that they give a reason for rejection for each and every candidate, the selection criteria is mentioned in the introduction when you fill up the form.
Commented on own review
One more advice My friends......dont go in with the normal engine oil, TRY Castrol Magnetic...and I tell you the whole sound of the engine changes............
Compleated 25,000 Km today............It has gone till now like a Fairy......... I have loved this Vehicle.............
Rated on evilcountco's review
Rated on infinitearora's review
Commented on pchibb's review
Look Sanju, all the students are informed beforehand (Prior to taking the admission) about the course schedule.....so its better to check rather then crib about it later. The day to day class schedule is also circulated Even the lecturers name and date is mentioned. Problem sometimes happen wh Read More...
Well Mr Arora its just to keep up with the standard which is not at all compromises that some courses are delayed.... There is a min intake that has to be there for the business to be viable for the franchiee as the courses are run only if they are at a no profit no loss situation and not if we Read More...
Mr Hakoonamata......first its not the class coordinator its actually the professor who delivers the lecture..so first get your data right.......and the professiors dont write but speak more and its the PPT that goes in........so writing english is also ruled out...........Secondly EPBM is from IIM C Read More...
Jaideep this is somthing which is rare but yes it does happen with the First Run programms , Most of the others Like XLRI's and IIM Cal run as per schedule. Sometimes this also happened when the institute rejects a huge number of candidates as these institutes always go for quality rather than Read More...
Commented on wineturk's review
And one more thing be truthful...........this is one thing that women like the most (Even though them might not be to you ) lol.
Rated on wineturk's review
Rated on prakash.n.bhat's review
Rated on thetraveller's review
Commented on rajib365's review
Nokia has a bad habit of removing its old stock at trow away price and then you feel cheated....
Rated on rajib365's review
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