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Member Since:Apr 02, 2010
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The first One.
Reviewed Yamaha Fazer
First of all, if you are planning to buy Fazer or R15 from Noida, think twice before purchasing it from JM Motors(Noidas only Yamaha dealer). You will wRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on sunny3184's review
Commented on sunny3184's review
For me its all your fault. All the points you have mentioned, should have been known to you before ordering anything rather than regretting in the later stage. Judge them based on their service not by hassle you created yourself. Though they have wrong pointers like 100 Rs. refund but you should buy Read More...
Commented on own review
Hi Utscool, Congrats for this Bike. Its almost 1 year and i am still in love with it. I am sure, the sales guy and that irritating sales girl will offer you some discount in some of the accessories.. like seat cover, lag guard, wheelLock... these are wastage of money... you can get them installe Read More...
Hey Rohyt. if you compare pickup between P-220, Karizma.. as mentioned above its a bit less but you will see overall pickup equivalent to them... also Pulser is having weight of 152 KG compairable to this 139 KG.. very light.... i would suggest not to go on Numeric value of 153cc... its far bett Read More...
Rated on amolwagh333's review
@Ravi.. you truly said. it should have fitted with at least 200 or 220cc engine... but again @ 153cc engine its cool to have 120Km/Hr speed without any BAD engine sound... YES YAMAHA!!!!!! i really forgot to add that point.. but what to do.. i hate sitting at pillion seat on my Bike.. though its Read More...
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