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Member Since:Dec 18, 2005
0 MS Points
lets know each other better till I let you know more about me. life makes me take interest in lesser things
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Education: practicle education
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SEPTEMBER 22nd 2006 - A revolution in country
Reviewed Ministry Of Petroleum & Natural Gas
Dear Friends ! Petrol in Pakistan Rs 34 per liter Malaysia Rs 18 per liter In India its 48 per liter Why this difference in Asia itself ? World MarkRead more...
Ugly face of Indian TV - Incomplete & partial New
Reviewed Changing Face of Indian Television
Yes it is a changing face of Indian TV but this is not the face that Indian people want to see. This is a bias treatment of Indian Media special news channel.Read more...
Bias News Channel - Threat to Peace in India
Reviewed CNN IBN
Till today morning I was considering CNN - IBN as one of the good News Channel. But today I seen a shocking news. There is some violence at Vadodara. CNN-IBNRead more...
Tej-o-Mahalaya (Taj Mahal) - A Hindu Temple
Reviewed Agra
If you have ever visited the Taj Mahal then your guide probably told you that it was designed by Ustad Isa of Iran, and built by the Moghul Emperor, Shah JahaRead more...
Must Visit Place - Singapore
Reviewed Singapore - General
Why person go out of the home town ? Holiday? if yes, What kind are you looking for? If you want to experience the luxury and comfort of a 1st world country,Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Followed purujit
Rated on manideep's review
Followed patnitin
Commented on own review
thank you for your comment. Petrol price inPak is not 27 but 34.39 per liter. (Corrected in review) you can check it here http://www.kshitij.com/research/petrol.shtml
Followed sam1
Followed gino1976
Rated on shailee's review
Commented on Vidhi76's review
I am waiting for Kajol's return. She looks good. I agree that Yashraj is master in creating a hype. They are doing this successfully.
Rated on Vidhi76's review
Commented on ketul_shah's review
thank you Ketul for taking Baba Ampte and Loan matter in the tought. It will be great if you will include all these in your review
Are you at Hyderabad ? you mentioned Hyd Times. I am also at Hyd right now. Nice to see you concerned about the national matter like this. I was in Gujarat before 15 years and I saw the protest by Baba Ampte also. I feel he remianed silence but Medha is getting some fund. One point I like to add Read More...
Rated on ketul_shah's review
Commented on jerry_mouse's review
Congrats for generating so many comments. Now a days none is reading reviews so we don't find more than 3-4 comments.
Commented on pranav_cet's review
its is a hindu mandir. not a built by any Mughal. Please read my review on same topic.
Rated on jerry_mouse's review
Rated on pranav_cet's review
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