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Member Since:Jan 02, 2016
365 MS Points
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Do not buy
Reviewed Yu Yureka
Yu Yureka is manufactured under the sub brand if micromax yu. I bought it and has been using for 6-7 months. The battery is very poor . The phone heats very qRead more...
Cheap and reasonable
Reviewed G3S Cinema - Sector 11 - Delhi
I have seen many movies at G3S Cinemas and I find it useful for booking tickets for the last minute as not too much people go to it. For an instance I have seRead more...
Reviewed MTS MBlaze
I have been using MTS MBLAZE Postpaid data card from past few months. First of all of you travel a lot then it is good for you and it offers plan cheaper thanRead more...
Fast delivery
Reviewed Sulekha
I ordered micromax smartphone from sukekha.com and suprisingly got it within few days and before delivery date . I found it 500INR cheaper than homeshop18.comRead more...
Good movie
Reviewed Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens
I recently watched this movie at PVR CINEMAS and it is worth watching I think. The plot of the story is that they have to save the world from some people who Read more...
App every smartphone deserves!
Reviewed Paytm
I buy things regularly from paytm.com . I am happy  with their service and their unique idea of cashback is very good and many times I have found that it beatRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
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Good one bro
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