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Member Since:Jun 07, 2007
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The sx4 just outsold the honda city
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki SX4
Yes the honda dominance has finally been broken atleast for may[however see no reason why it cannot continue], the sx4 has outsold the honda city, coupled witRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on optra16's review
Honda service better than maruti you got to be kidding. The sx4 maintainance costs are much less than the honda city and this evens out the mileage difference,with the honda city you have to service your car every 3 months ,sx4 only once a year service is needed
Commented on Dinesh_Kanna's review
@smartdoc ,we know you have gone in for the honda city but please don't undermine the sx4,the ride quality is miles ahead of the honda city,every time you hit a bad stretch of road you know it in the honda city,whereas its an unbelievable feeling in the sx4.FE considering the premium for the honda c Read More...
Rated on tramanuj's review
Commented on tramanuj's review
Sir,have you checked your manual it clearly states service interval for diesel is every 5000 km and only in case of petrol it is 10000 km,The age old saying it is cheaper to maintain a petrol than a diesel.
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