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Member Since:Sep 02, 2003
0 MS Points
I am an engineer, working in Pune. I am interested in reading books( a lot of them), and listening to music. I listen to Carnatic, Pop and film music. Also, I have a keen interest in movie making and writing.
About Me
Education: B.E
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Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind – Review
Reviewed Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Movies are primarily a source of entertainment. Over a period of time, they have also become an art form. Movies also give us scope of expressing our thoughtsRead more...
Dor - A well made, well acted movie
Reviewed Dor
There is a basic level of quality that can be associated with NageshKukunoor’s movies, and I watch his movies for the same reason. Dor,does more, trying to saRead more...
Collateral - pledge ur money on it
Reviewed Collateral
I had recently seen the movie "Heat" directed by Micheal Mann, and I liked the movie. So, I was checking out movies by the same director, and found "CollateraRead more...
Gangster- Good....but,
Reviewed Gangster
I normally keep off Hindi movies these days, and read occasional reviews of movies, just in case not to miss a good one. So, when I read about GanRead more...
One Flew over the Cuckoo's nest - Review
Reviewed One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
One of the fascinating movies that I have seen, this movie has great performances, wonderful screenplay, and a story that touches us. On another level, this mRead more...
A comedy with a difference
Reviewed James
James is an in your face kind of comedy, that needs a special sense of appreciation. It demands very little of the viewer, in fact it demands us to leave our Read more...
Iqbal - Movie Review
Reviewed Iqbal
Iqbal is a lad from Kolipad and he wants to be a fast bowler in the Indian cricket team. He is a deaf mute. His father does not like cricket and to top it allRead more...
Of Principles and freedom
Reviewed FountainHead, The - Ayn Rand
Fountain head, written by Ayn Rand, the advocate of Objectivism is a very interesting book, to say the least. It should have stirred up a lot of souls when iRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on sanyal's review
That was a very good review. Also, thanks for your comments on my review. Regarding the malayalam movie, it is 'Perumazhaikaalam', and I read in one of 'Nagesh Kukunoor's' interviews, that he had bought over the story rights from the makers of the malayalam movie. As both the movies are based on a t Read More...
Commented on own review
Thanks for your comments. I have formatted the review as paragraphs. I was not able to save it as paragraphs, when the first time I submitted the same. - Skanda
that a review is not completely read, or properly read. Mr. Thakurman, thanks for going through my review. If you feel that collateral is a bad movie, it is your opinion, but my reivew does not read 'Tom Cruise' the actor. I have reviewed a movie, because of what I consider is its merits, or demerit Read More...
Rated on sharath40's review
Followed borngenius
Hey folks, good to see some people reading my reviews... will try and write as much as I can. Thanks. Skanda
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