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Member Since:May 04, 2003
0 MS Points
40,short, fat, ugly child, woman, terror, incomplete, inadequate, intelligent talk too much, foot always in the mouth smartass, truly . books travel the rain children a dream of a perfect world intelligent men
About Me
Education: phd
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Open a school without education on your mind
Reviewed Investing in Business Successfully
This is a truly mean , nasty , irreverent write up. you have to excuse me for writing this if it affects the sensibilities of some but then, I need to focus Read more...
A place to go when you are blue, ......
Reviewed Shoppers Stop - Mumbai
A place to go when you are happy too. when nans ( firstautumn to you guys ) suggested that we meet up at shoppers stop for the evening, I , like, thought, whRead more...
A selfish girl's desires
Reviewed Five Gifts You Would Like to Receive
a dreamer for a friend count the stars with him and plan the journey to them.wake him up in the middle of the night to go hunting another star. dream along witRead more...
Get people to read your profile
Reviewed Effective MouthShut Profile Page
As a teacher, I have always found that an effective lesson plan is one that addresses the objective primarily. this , I have come to learn, is also what workRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on OneBadMama's review
Rated on firstautumn's review
Rated on arunpv's review
Followed arunpv , kalil.rahman , Cousin2 , spikeguard
Commented on own review
wow man, thank you guys and please keep writng such good stuff about what i write. khalil, dont know where to move it selina, you are very encouraging , thank you.i couldn't agree more with you that writng is the most stabilising thing in my life. and sirius, when have we not been ready Read More...
Commented on spikeguard's review
you have actually reflected what any sane person would feel after seeing that tv programme. your honesty and sense of outrage at the wrecking of one man by another comes through very well in your thought provoking review. keep it up friend love your style ratnalekha Read More...
Rated on spikeguard's review
everytime you write in lyla, you remind me to give up on my sloppiness. thank you so much. next review, i promise, all puctuation, all capitals, all in their right places. keep on reading ratnalekha
Commented on adgj's review
abhi, i am going to take a print out and then compile this inot one cd. wanta copy, pal ? ratnalekha
i did not for once think that what i wrote would get such lovely comments. thank you friends. spike , when i read tyour stuff, it humbles me. you are so precise, and your writings are so well structured. and abhi, you are like sunshine, encouraging everybody.thank you for understanding my hone Read More...
Commented on OneBadMama's review
i wish i could write like you, you wonderfully profound person.
Rated on sonuranj's review
Rated on disskonnekt's review
Followed BadBoyZ
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