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Member Since:Sep 18, 2009
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Smart CIty Investors,Lets Come together
Reviewed City Limouzines
Dear Investors, We see tht we all have different openion over this problem. some people want to wait till 7th & others dont. We request a meeting or get togetRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on aditya_siddhu's review
i hope this details on city website will seal the mouth of those IDIOT criticts who had lost all hopes, wanted to fight & were cursing city & its owner even after earning money from the same. No one forced us to invest money, we did it willingly. Now support company where u have invested ur money & Read More...
Commented on basujha's review
Commented on Sham123608's review
Commented on sonu151981's review
i thing this makes sence. we need right people to come forward to help everyone out of this problem before some Idiots take wrong step & creat more complications & nothing is left to be resolved
Rated on sonu151981's review
Commented on realcominvestor's review
Dear Investors, We see tht we all have different openion over this problem. some people want to wait till 7th & others dont. We request a meeting or get together(before 7th) of ONLY those investors(based in MUMBAI or other parts of India) intrested in supporting the company to get it back to bus Read More...
Commented on own review
Commented on cityinvestorhyd4's review
All investors pls look forward to the meeting & think of a sencible conversation with citi authorities rather goin & fighting to get ur money back. Help them to help us.
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