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Member Since:Apr 15, 2009
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Buying N72 at this time.......U must be CRAZY!!!!
Reviewed Nokia N72
Guys if u r going to buy or planning to buy NOKIA N72 then think one more time. N72 is a wonderful phone and U will love it when u will go for buying it as bRead more...
The phone is great to have
Reviewed Nokia 5310
The phone is slim and sexy. It is easy to carry small phone with power packed features comes in small size. Music quality is very good as audio chip wonRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
sorry for replying late ani1751 but i'll not suggest u to do that.....mostly people sell their phone coz of any fault in that phone which they did while using................
Rated on pelluripraveen1's review
Commented on pelluripraveen1's review
whom u r making fool dude!!!! how can a seller give u a phone of price range 8000 in 5800 and that of nokia.....????? And I am using the same phone but nt at all satisfied with it....check other phones of this price range then u'll be able to know what this phone really is.....slim and good looking. Read More...
Rated on ashwajatha's review
Commented on ashwajatha's review
what r u saying dude!!!! I am also using the same and faced a lot of problems in 2 months....search for reviews of this phone and then u'll be able to know about its common problems.......dont suggest phone to anyone if u dosent know much about it
Kanika I will suggest u to go for 5310 as there is not much difference in price of 5220 and 5310. I think 100Rs difference. And camera of 5310 is far more better than 5220 and in looks ......hats off to 5310. Finally I recommend u to go for 5310 if u r ok with above disadvantages and satisfied with Read More...
Commented on cheryl.joy11's review
I also have 5310 but never noticed such such sort of problems but I will recommend not to buy this phone. This phoe is For music lovers and those who want easy to carry slim phone but those who want features, it is useless.........
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