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Member Since:Apr 03, 2018
30 MS Points
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Ira story of an accused a decent thriller movie
Reviewed Ira
Ira is one of the decent thriller movie which tells about two persons story which is linked through a girls story unnimukundhans major role makes the story inRead more...
Its time to learn something visually ??
Reviewed Youtube
On this comprehensive video library site visitors can search and find virtually anything. YouTube content is entirely user generated so its important to be atRead more...
EBay just ordered once and im ruined ??
Reviewed Ebay
Once I ordered a case for Samsung galaxy j1 all was perfect till the delivery to the dth office it didnt shipped to my home till 10 days then I went dthRead more...
Mi is great but not the app
Reviewed Mi
As we mi is a well-known company which provides you best products but in case of their apps it sucks its truly not good once I ordered a redmi note 4 screen gRead more...
Hmm!!!! complicated ......
Reviewed Amazon
As we know Amazon is a foreign developd app not an Indian yes that is the only one gauranty I have that we will not be cheated once I was cheated in an onlineRead more...
Paytm !! does it sucks ??
Reviewed Paytm
I will say 50 50 because paytm is good at recharging paying bills etc still in purchasing something I didnt fell good in that im not preferring anyone tRead more...
One of the best place to buy something
Reviewed Flipkart
Yeah it is the only one app which in India you can buy something its worthy and Flipkart gives us so many sales so that we can buy for cheaper price actually Read more...
Its a clone of iPhone X ??
Reviewed Vivo V9
Why vivo releasing such kind of phones this phone is only for camera nothing else . Okay im happy that they moved to Snapdragon so we can get a better performRead more...
Should you want to upgrade to note5 from note4 ??
Reviewed Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 4GB
Hm maybe I think no. ther are only few improvements in there in redmi note 5 first we get a 18: 9 aspect ratio display and latest 636 proccer . nothing more iRead more...
Mi A1 love
Reviewed Xiaomi Mi A1
Again Xiaomi proves here that they have the budget centric smart phone out there I im using it for almost 2 months for me ita a good phone that dual cam makesRead more...
Best budget phone out there in 2017
Reviewed Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro 6GB RAM
Best budget for out there in 2018 just loved this phone omg what to say im using it now for gaming also a good phone that 4gb ram and Snapdragon 636 makeRead more...
One of a good movie
Reviewed Padmaavat
There were lot people were again this movie but why its a good movie which all talks about padmavati and the religious things out there I liked this movie youRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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