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Member Since:Nov 19, 2014
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Debt doctor number one A1 cheeter in the world
Reviewed Debt Doctor
Hai l am also falling he is trapping  I paid 86000 for my phoenix arc personal loan settlement for October 2014, but he is not setteled still he is playing wRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on dhamodharanbeeman's review
dont post fake mesages , see a your reviews and many peoples falling hes(debt doctor)trapping so, post original mesages
Commented on anoop1537's review
Commented on tantricindian's review
Come and join with me I am going to legal action
Commented on kpkumar444's review
No.1 Cheeter. how collect our moneny
Commented on saviodomnic_2's review
Come Bangalore and join with me
Commented on chr21s's review
Krishna dont tell lie infomation I am paying 86000 Nov 2014 but he is still not settled my pl settlement he still playing with me so now I am going to police and media
Commented on pritamjuneja's review
Come and join with me dear
Commented on rupanjanbaidya's review
Yes I also agree but now I am going to police and media I want your support if you are all of interested today 13 Jan I am in bangalore
Commented on mailtwovincy's review
Don't post wrong review
Commented on poojakr19's review
Supper post review dear now I am go to police and media so join with me pls
Commented on saravni's review
Don't told lie this a wrong review
Commented on isaac146's review
Yes don't post lie message
Commented on amarpawar27's review
Yes I am paying 86000 thousand last 3 month before still he is playing with me so I am going to police station and media so please join and support us
Commented on victim55's review
I am falling he is trap but now I am going to complaint in police station and go to media so you also ssupport with me please
Commented on trustindia's review
I am also agreed . I also join to you to taking action debt doctor
Followed anoop1537
I also paid 86000 thousand but still not solved my broblem
Rated on rupanjanbaidya's review
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