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Member Since:Jul 27, 2006
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Education: s.s.c fail
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Why India lost to SA?
Reviewed Indian Cricket Team
The Indian team was upbeat after the win in the first test against SA. Then what went wrong in the 2nd test? I am a keen follower of Indian cricket. My obseRead more...
Saurav Ganguly - An indepth study.
Reviewed Saurav Ganguly
I am a Mumbaite. I have followed the Gavaskars, Tendulkars, Manjrekars, Shastris and the likes. I will not judge Saurav Ganguly as an Indian in my analysis frRead more...
Sonu Nigam-Is he the best singer in Asia today?
Reviewed Twenty Best Songs of Sonu Nigam
SONU NIGAM. I have been eagerly following his career for some time now. His first noteworthy contribution to Bollywood was probably "Acha Sila Diya Tune". AndRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on raziakuvale's review
ur review was good! it's seems to give an honest opinion on he movie. i hate the film reviewers who expect huge miracles from bollywood flicks. for a change i feel bollywood needs new subjects like these.and we must appreciate such movie makers.
Rated on raziakuvale's review
Commented on Paulsb02's review
Thanks for the review! I have been reading this book for some years now. I read it whenever I feel demotivated or out! It has helped me succeed in passing several exams and at overcoming obstacles in my life. Super book! Super review...I highly recommend this book. Your review will surely inspire ma Read More...
Rated on Paulsb02's review
Rated on varunsaboo's review
Rated on avk91's review
Followed avk91
Rated on Justin_Blake's review
Rated on huntersmoon's review
Commented on huntersmoon's review
i m not interested in such stuff. some say it does not work.
Rated on angelina_jolienonu's review
Commented on angelina_jolienonu's review
I read both your articles.The one on weight loss and this one(aki).You write very well indeed.How come you know all these facts? Do you do any research before you write these fabulouse pieces.I mean you always seem to have facts and data to support your point, no pun intended.Keep it up!
Commented on avk91's review
Sonu Nigam is a good singer, but he has a long way to go b4 we can call him a legend. Nice article though. Keep up the good work.
Rated on iffypatel's review
Were you having a bad day? Everybody in India knows that Sonu Nigam is one of the most successful artists in Asia today! Acting? Sonu Nigam always wanted to be a good singer to the best of my knowledge, and he one today! Acting is not his cup of tea maybe. Who cares anyways? Personal life? Well Read More...
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