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Member Since:Aug 21, 2013
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I think whosoever will be in friends list would know me what kind of person I am so why should why to waste time on writing about me again.
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Reviewed Millioncases
I bought a OnePlus12r cover been 5 days, it has been delivered and their customer care team on WhatsApp is either not available or say would revert back. On sRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Followed anujbhandari84 , jadon_er , dileepgautam806 , sanjeev789 , nitin_sehgal1
Commented on ebusiness92169's review
Here's a free IT tip for you, by the way: You're not receiving any customers through the site because you've changed your e-mail address. The form e-mailed the customer's information to you, but since you've changed your address and didn't update the form, the responses won't get to you. But, I Read More...
The End. Really? I thought you were done last post, Renee? It will be pretty obvious to any reader what you're so profusely complaining about. But, I still think you should post the URL a few dozen times more. Someone might have missed it. But I think the point is you want to have the last Read More...
I thought you were done (for the 15th time), Renee? Just wanted to add that the other review about me was also written by Maria Renee Moore, so there's nothing new in it. Again, you obviously have no idea of our contractual terms then. There were three milestones. Also in our contract was a Read More...
Yes, Maria Renee Moore, you are lying. It's really too bad that our phone conversations weren't recorded. But I would never have expected that was a requirement for doing business with you. I'm not sure if readers will be able to see the truth here, however. But, you'll be happy to know that I Read More...
Thanks, bchambers. I appreciate your comment. Hopefully everyone can see the apparent hypocrisy behind keeping something you didn't pay for while complaining about someone else supposedly 'ripping you off'. Oh, and Renee, Elance passes chargebacks on to the providers. That's how I found out yo Read More...
So, Ms. Maria Renee Moore got her refund finally but she also is keeping the website. Isn't that like asking for a refund for a meal after you've eaten the whole meal? Wouldn't that be considered theft, in all honesty? Let this serve as a warning to any future programmer or business person want Read More...
her site - different wording for her mission statement, different logo design, different pictures, different background color *again*. After several nights of this, I informed her that I cannot work for free and we would have to draw up a maintenance contract to continue work on the site. Fair is Read More...
http://www.elance.com/php/profile/main/eolproviderprofile.php?view_person=heavysystems&rid=14IYE My completely 100% feedback for the over $10,000 worth of projects I completed speaks for itself. Even Maria Renee Moore gave me positive feedback when the project was completed: 'My site isn't qu Read More...
Ladies and Gentlemen, I certainly don't mind if Ms. Moore exercises her right to free speech, but this is a duplicate posting of her original review here: http://www.mouthshut.com/review/Elance.com-129898-1.html This is a blatantly transparent attempt to spam this website with multiple negative Read More...
A 'careful investigation' by your credit card company? Really, Renee/Maria/Whoever you are? How careful could it be when none of the other parties of this deal were contacted to research the issue? The only obvious answer is your bank refunded your money just to pacify you. You know, kind of l Read More...
Did you plan on stealing my work all along, Renee Moore of Caregivers Direct? For all your blustering, classy middle finger waiving and other various attempts to malign me and Elance, you're the one who appears to have walked away with the product and your money. Again, shame on you for keepin Read More...
By the way, that was NOT the 'contract'. That was your original project description that you deviated from during the development process.
thing and either pay for the site or pull the files down if you're not going to pay for them.
I thought you had a file 3 inches thick that 'proved' your point? Enough is enough. You got your website, per your own ridiculous specifications AND you got your money back by charging the payment back through your credit card company after Elance sided with me. You will pull the files o Read More...
You're being a liar, Renee. Jonathan sent that FORM letter because you lied telling him that I didn't do any of the work. It was a FORM letter. If you want to be fair, why don't you include the complete e-mail traffic and not just the form letter sent out by mistake? Here's Jonathan's reply af Read More...
Renee Moore, you are disgusting and a liar. First of all, STOP making 'anonymous' e-mail accounts and sending me unsolicited e-mail. That is harassment. Secondly, you KNOW that what you have done is WRONG. You got your money back from your credit card company when Elance agreed that we both sa Read More...
Renee changed her mind constantly during development. What she originally thought she wanted turned out to be something entirely different. She cannot communicate effectively and was strangely focused on the most minute and meaningless details. The bottom line is, I developed a project for her Read More...
Renee, this review is a complete lie. Shame on you for attempting to smear me and Elance over your own inability to provide materials for your project. You had every opportunity to cancel the project if you had desired. Our business relationship was governed by a standard services agreement which Read More...
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