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Member Since:Mar 28, 2009
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Rediff'Shopping's Service is deteriorating
Reviewed Shopping.Rediff
I normally order books from rediff shopping and never had a problem until recently when the website would take the order. deduct the amount from my bank accouRead more...
Cheated by Samsung Omnia Mobile Phone
Reviewed Samsung Omnia
Well finally after 2 months of the phone being in the service center Samsung finally replaced my phone with a new PCB and motherboard and gifted me a brand neRead more...
Reviewed Choosing a Mobile Phone
I am the CEO of an internet based company that sells its products in over 200 countries since 9 years.I bought a Samsung Omnia mobile phone(being an early cusRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on own review
finally reordered the books from flipkart.com hoping that they will deliver and on time. rediff is giving me a refund surely but what frustrates me that they are so arrogant that they took the order and then just declined it after 12 days. and there is not much i can do or is there anything i can Read More...
Hi Omi, well samsung did not replace my phone but they did replace the PCB (motherboard) of the phone completely and gave me a free new charger. honestly i lost patience with them to constantly follow up and my phone was in the service center unresolved for 2 months so i let it be and settled for th Read More...
Today i got my complaint resolved Samsung replaced the phone and i also got a personal call from them by the manager marketing and the service center manager. I am glad finally the customer won and thanks to this posting in mouthshut.com that i sent to Samsung for refernce that my grievience was he Read More...
Hi SeriousCustomer, I purchase the phone from a Samsung shop in Delhi with a valid invoice which i have with me. the phone was given for repair in Samsung authorised service center the address is also mentioned in my review and i have a job card from them but yet no action on the phone. i also have Read More...
Rated on saishankarpatra's review
Commented on saishankarpatra's review
i think such extreme reviews are rigged by the company
Yeh Anup, i did'nt realize the 1st one went
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