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Member Since:Dec 28, 2017
250 MS Points
i love myself .. first .. than people ll fall ìn love with mi
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Idea 4g LET smart Wi-Fi hub
Reviewed Idea 4G Smart Wi-Fi HUB MF90+
Hi frnsd . Now my review is about idea 4g smart wifi hub made mi disopintment after. usage . Let clear about a product . i orderd it from online idea store Read more...
Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 is better
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy On Nxt (2018)
Hi frends here to tel ma6 review about . xaiomi Redmi Note 4 is batter than samsung galaxy on nxt Screen size : Both the phone have same screen size ( 5.50 iRead more...
Samsung on nxt is batter
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy J7 Nxt
Hi frndshere to write review about samsung galaxy on nxt is batter than samsung galaxy J7 nxt .Thise two phone have the same screen size 5.50 inc and On nxt iRead more...
Best quality
Reviewed Fogg Royal Body Spray Deodorant
This is the best qualityproduct in deodorant. No gas at all. wich majes it to spread less So you have to spray lesser distance wich turn burn you sensitive Read more...
My experince about iphone 5s
Reviewed Apple iPhone 5S
Hu frends .Every one fell to take I phones but I dont like .Because I ll tel u what happens in iphone . Frnds I got gift from my sis . its orded from flipcartRead more...
Wireless mp3 player
Reviewed Suroskie Wireless Sports Mp3 Player
Hi frnds here wish to share my reviews about thise device Very handy devuce we can say. I orderd from Flipcart I opend stared using . It never connectedto mRead more...
Garnier acnofight is better
Reviewed Pond's Men Pollution Out Face Wash
Hi frndsmy experince about ponds men pollution out face wash . its an ordenary facewash I have oily skin type but after using this for one week . my face becaRead more...
BSNL 3G mobile operater
Reviewed BSNL 3G Mobile Operator
Hi frnds . I here to share my experince about BSNL 3g serivice . this is the worest network I had used. Frnd . at first I used the vodfine network I have maRead more...
Nikon D5300 is better
Reviewed Canon EOS 800D DSLR Camera
Nikon D5300 is btter than canon EOS 800D Because the option in the canon EOS 800D are similar to the options in the nikon D5300 and the price tag also less cRead more...
New town Eco park
Reviewed Eco Park - New Town - Kolkata
Hi frnds . its my pluser to tel u about New town eco park and nathing but family park and my visiting experince also . I think this park us the most beautifRead more...
HTC 828
Reviewed HTC Desire 828 Dual Sim
Hi frnds This is my first bad exprince about htc barnd Phone is very stlys . n bigger screen n warth to net amount we paied for camera Sometimes . Phone llRead more...
Htc desire 10 pro
Reviewed HTC Desire 10 Pro
Hi frnds .This is my personal experinxe . abut htc brand .I bought this phone on april month of this year for 23.6 k used abou three months . thats it .The phRead more...
College kumar movie
Reviewed College Kumar
Hi frnds . this massege is about . kannada moviethis is tha most expected movie in kannada Bacause a good movie can ba a gud entertains tha fans . The good Read more...
Fake mobile number locater
Reviewed Mobile Number Locator
Hi frnds.! this one of the fake. application . wich u ll be. wasting your internet . by installing to your phone . I used this application for week I facedRead more...
Samsung galaxy j7 pro hanging
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro
Samsung galaxy J7 pro I m using this phone . from past 3 monthsThe hand set is very god loking .But . on comig to . device . sedd it is very slow n geti ing hRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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