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Member Since:Jul 02, 2007
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AVA Shopping and HDFC cr card - Pathetic, careful
Reviewed HDFC Bank Visa Credit Card
I was holding a HDFC Gold credit card since Dec’07. With the May month statement, I got the pamphlet for AVA shopping with the list of products to shop. I waRead more...
LASIK done in Eye foundation and my bad experien
Reviewed The Eye Foundation - Coimbatore
I had done my LASIK treatment(Zyoptix method) in Jul06 in Eye foundation, COimbatore and I paid 35000 for both the eyes. Before going for this treatmentRead more...
Very very bad service. Fraud company
Reviewed Sahara Packers
I recently relocated to Bangalore from Coimbatore. I had chosen Sahara movers and packers because of the way the marketing guy spoke to us when they visited mRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on Pasu_cbe's review
Commented on Pasu_cbe's review
Hi Pasu_cbe, firstly feel very sorry for the infection in ur eyes. I completely agree with u about Dr. Chitra Ramamoorthy. She doesnt care about the patients. I had done my LASIK in that hospital and it was done by her. While performing the LASIK suregery, she was talking to the nurses about sare Read More...
Rated on dr.ankit.k's review
Commented on own review
hi, my concern was why i was not informed about the side effects. the doctors in this hospital told me that worst case i will get dry eyes and no other side effects. if they had told me about 'Lasik induced Ectasia', i would not have taken this lasik treatment at all. and the post treatment suppor Read More...
Commented on venkers's review
Sorry for what hap to ur mom. I totally agree with you on Batra's treatment. They dont give medicine on case by case basis. I had been there for hair treatment. They simply do a check up every month mechanically (no analysis or personal check up done), provide the same medicine and will a Read More...
Rated on venkers's review
Thanks Sonali. My concern was to convey the following 2 things: (i). To warn about this hospital. (ii). To warn about LASIK treatment and post-surgery side effects; When I decided to go for this surgery, I did research work of problems and success rates but I didnt find any negative feedback o Read More...
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