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Member Since:Apr 16, 2018
240 MS Points
I am a student. read in 12th standard. My hobby is playing games and my favorite game vollyball. I eat only healty food. That sitting thanks!!
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Play store's best game with grate ratings
Reviewed Clash Of Clans
Hello friend, Recently 2 days ago I download the Clash of Clans. It is a rated game in Play Store and very good graphics. This game is created by finished gamRead more...
Best Online shopping website
Reviewed Flipkart
Hi friends, Hey I am share my experience, shopping with Flipkart. Flipkart gives you quality goods and provide you a reasonable price for them. Recently I pRead more...
Disgusting movie ever
Reviewed B.A. Pass
Hello guys! Today I am talk about again on the topic on B.A. Pass movie. I am recently see this movie and it is very disgusting and very mind disturbing moviRead more...
Costlier air coolers : Symphony
Reviewed Symphony Air Coolers
Dear readers, Symphony , a company, making air coolers this company invent a latest technological air coolers with Jester reader and remote control changing Read more...
Average movie by Marvel
Reviewed Black Panther
This is the most average movie by marvel, movie story based on empire of the wakanda. There is no any fantacy story shown by marval studio. In my opinion thisRead more...
Bad browser ever
Reviewed mCent Browser
Hello guys ! mcend browser can clam that they pay some points to you and when you surff the browser. When you can collect 1000 points you get 1 rupees from thRead more...
Marvel's great creation
Reviewed Avengers: Infinity War
On Friday 4th May 2018, me and my friends go to the Parker Mall thats not important important is this the movie which we can see and that was ( AvengersRead more...
Cashify: give you not good price
Reviewed Cashify
Cashify.com where you can sell your phone to online stores Flipkart and Amazon. If you can want to sell your second hand smartphone and if you used to sell yRead more...
Awesome phone: Lenovo Vibe K5 note
Reviewed Lenovo Vibe K5 Note 3GB RAM
Hello friends ! Today I am share my experience weather Lenovo Vibe K5 note.z ???????? Last Sunday my dad brought me new smartphone Lenovo. I am very happy tRead more...
Bajaj Pulsar : realy for man's
Reviewed Bajaj Pulsar 150NS
Hello friends today I am talking about Bajaj Pulsar 150 NS this bike is very good looking and very comfortable this is a good looking bike with good price ranRead more...
10or. G great phone in your budget
Reviewed 10.or G 64GB
As you all know that a that 10 or. Launched their smartphones 10 or. E. But recently they launch their smartphone which name is 10 or D and 10 or g this is a Read more...
Britannia Lovers
Reviewed Britannia Cake Choco Muffills
Hello friends, Today I share a topic on my favourite food product company Britannia. This companys products very fresh and tasty. But these companies cRead more...
Amazon Online shopping
Reviewed Amazon
Dear friends, Where I am here to share my experience shopping with Amazon. Amazon is a widest online shopping website you can also have it in the form of anRead more...
Kumkum Bhagya
Reviewed Kumkum Bhagya
Kumkum Bhagya it is a family serial but I think its much better for old and aged persons. This serials is a very old theSaas Bahu serials and other likeRead more...
Redmi Y1
Reviewed Xiaomi Redmi Y1 32GB
Hello friends, I know you all have a smartphone. You like your trusted brands like Samsung, Oppo, Vivo and other companies which you like which is you like toRead more...
Reviewed Facebook
Hello friends I know that you and every one use facebook also I use it too. Facebook is the simpleiest way to connect with the people, ( word wide) u can talkRead more...
Reviewed B.A. Pass 2
Gangtok about ka BA Pass movie recently I saw this movie and I am go to explain my experience on this movie.This movie can give a message to the society. ThisRead more...
Motorola: A great Android
Reviewed Motorola Moto G5S Plus
Motorola phones is very cool phones. Its main features are it is water proof, dust proof and its come with fast charging option. I have also a motorola smart Read more...
Good Network
Reviewed Airtel 4G LTE
Airtel! Every one knows about airtel. It is the fastes network in india. Only am not but ukhala also says that. Its offers mind blowing. Take the examplRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on lakshyaboss123456's review
Commented on own review
I am glad, I can help you from my reviews.
Rated on makdum's review
Commented on makdum's review
Not very helpful. Please make your review more halp full for other people. If if your effort is a show in your reviews and mother people inspired by your review.
Followed sultanibneusman , amangill7439 , priyasen0717 , arunn2514
Commented on arnab0733's review
That site just few words, it is enough for u my friends I think.
Rated on arnab0733's review
Followed rupamtamli333
Commented on mm22928494577's review
It very help ful for me. It gives me a way to write a review.
Rated on mm22928494577's review
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Tejal Shah (@tshah12MouthShut Verified Member)
Sunil Narayan Chitte (@sunilchitteMouthShut Verified Member)
Naisarg Halvadia (@naisicricMouthShut Verified Member)
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Hemalatha Sathyanarayanan (@hemaaura888MouthShut Verified Member)
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Varsha Ashish Gurav (@varshapusalkarMouthShut Verified Member)
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