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Member Since:Mar 14, 2005
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About Me
Education: BE
Review of the Day (1)
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1108 - more than value for money!
Reviewed Nokia 1108
Initial reason for purchase I bought this phone as a standby when my 6230 got stolen and I was waiting for Nokia to release the N91. It was the cheapest NokiRead more...
N91 - Friend or Foe?
Reviewed Nokia N91
Looks - good looking but weighs a lot. The N91 is a smart looking phone. Its got looks and feels like a phone (yep - the things that used to be attachedRead more...
One of Nokias better phones
Reviewed Nokia 6230
I got this phone immediately after losing my 6600. I had put in NO research before I got this phone - was too depressed about losing my last one, so went to Read more...
Big disapointment
Reviewed Nokia 6600
Dont get me wrong. I liked the actual phone, features, functionality, blah blah... I was a hard core Nokia fan till I got this phone. It seems theyRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
Hi Gautam, :) Thanks for the 'fix', but I USE the timezone feature. Setting it to 00:00 in India doesn't SOLVE the problem of timezones in the rest of the world. For me, time is important, and I do keep track of all my calls and messages by time. It handles the time shift by displaying whatever Read More...
I bought the 6230 for 16750. The 6600 was 17500. The price difference wasn't so much of a reason to go in for a lesser phone, but: 1. I got conned. Didn't do my research and thought it was a Symbian phone (as I was told by the shop guy). 2. The 6600 is bug riddled (I've reviewed that too). 3. I w Read More...
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Minati Behera (@minatimeisterMouthShut Verified Member)
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Nooreena Qadri (@PlanetSparkMouthShut Verified Member)
Aarti Gupta (@AstrotalkMouthShut Verified Member)
Shiva Shanker (@Reddy1647MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 11
Arvind Gupta (@Arvind1961MouthShut Verified Member)