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Member Since:Jun 05, 2007
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FLIPKART.COM - Good experience for a first buy
Reviewed Flipkart
I had recently purchased a mobile (about a month ago- end-May 2011)– Motorola DEFY through FLIPKART.COM Details of the experience is as under:- I booked theRead more...
CELCABS- avoid in Trivandrum
Reviewed Tips on Cel Cabs
I had booked an Indigo CELCAB on 12 Jun 11, details as under:- On 13 Jun 11 for journey commencing at 0930 hours. From Trivandrum - Vellayambalam to TrivandRead more...
Avoid Airlift shared taxis !
Reviewed Air Lift Cabs - Bangalore
1.I had this lofty thing of doing my bit for the environment and that urge to economise. So, with the twin aims of improving mycarbon credits and Read more...
Nokia's Chinese handset fails totally in 18 month
Reviewed Nokia 3120
I purchased a new Nokia 3120 phone in May 2005 in Bangalore. During the guarantee period of 12 months the phone worked well and all the advertised features weRead more...
COUNTRY CLUB - Professional Con Job
Reviewed Country Club - Coconut Grove - Bangalore
I received a phone call from a representative of Country Club, Bangalore (Mr Azam) that I had filled in a form at Garuda Mall and had been chosen as the ‘luckRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on Sohni's review
Rated on pkolanu's review
Commented on pkolanu's review
PKOLANU's 'review' is defintely biased- the scriptwriter joins the forum and writes the review the same day. Appears to be a pre-edited 'script' ! I have not used MapMyIndia, however, I have been using Satguide (Destinator-7) in my mobile for a couple of years. The User interface is terribly clunk Read More...
Commented on jsree's review
Nice review & quite useful - just a point - the review could have been more comprehensive in describing the features of the mixie
Commented on monty_22's review
Nice review & quite useful - just a point - it could have been more comprehensive in describing the features of the mixie
Rated on jsree's review
Rated on monty_22's review
Commented on Srikavitha's review
Is this a review or a product endorsement? So the Preethi Mixer is the PERFECT MACHINE that there is!! We would prefer an unbiased review please!
Rated on raghuram_j's review
Commented on trust_me's review
The main review reads more like the brochure. Nagaraj's comments are more useful than the review itself!
Rated on trust_me's review
Commented on linelogic's review
A useful review & somewhat surprising that Philips India are marketing shoddy products - bound to bring down their brand value
Rated on linelogic's review
Commented on cocoakettle's review
It’s unfortunate but true – the show producers are unfeeling and feeding the typical Indian stereotyped image. That overrated village idiot - Amitabh Bacchan - is busy laughing all the way to the bank while the show promotes such outdated and moronic level humour. Its high time the entertainment ind Read More...
Rated on cocoakettle's review
Commented on vermin's review
I agree with Chandagohrani - even I have seen a bunch of drivers at the airport exit trying to herd prospective passengers into their vehicles; Vermin I suggest you review your comments after trying a pick-up from your home to the airport!
Rated on vermin's review
Rated on suneetsmausil's review
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