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Member Since:May 26, 2006
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A Good Budget Phone
Reviewed LG KP 500 Cookie
I am coming here after a long time. I am not a fan of LG and I used to hate its battery life. I came to know about this Phone from my Friend who lives in US aRead more...
Long Run Bike (No Looks)
Reviewed Suzuki Heat
Hi Guys ! One More Review in my list. Being Honest is always the worst part in a life. Why I am saying this because I have got lof of bad responses saying thRead more...
Unicorn The Best .
Reviewed Honda Unicorn 150 cc
Hello Guys. First of all Congrats for buying Unicorn . Sorry to write a late review. Unicorn is a very good bike in 150 CC categeory. It has very good engineRead more...
Apache Just Looks Baaki all Baakwaas.
Reviewed TVS Apache 150
Hi Guys! The TV commercialabout Apache is awesome. So many just took the bike only after the TV AD. IPity. Funniest Thing isso manyare asking how to perform Read more...
Discover 125 CC
Reviewed Bajaj Discover 100
Hi Guys. I bought this bike last weekatlast after refering to so many bikes ( Unicorn, Pulsar, Heat etc..). The Bike was pretty good in test ride. I love theRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on devil_genx's review
LOTS of Foolish fellows buying apache by seeing its looks but lots of people facing problems like Vibrations worst road grips.
Commented on mogli's review
Hello I agree its best but it cant write on Local DVD's which is been bought from gray market. So had lot of troubles while playing it strucks in the middle. It cant read the scratched Media. So better go for LG. I sold it and bought new LG DVD RW for just 2150.
Commented on Ormaz's review
Congrats on buying the bike . You should be proud of an Suzuki owner as it has good specifications. Update your resume after first service and mention mileage part & smoothness.
Rated on bikefreakcat's review
Rated on siddartha.sharma15's review
Commented on siddartha.sharma15's review
man 112 cc is has some probs why didnt to tried 125 cc . The 125 cc has DTS i engine which can beat pulsar also
Commented on nayakbharat's review
Hello man i too faced problems like u even i had very severe problem (engine over heating) i have mailed Bajaj and they responded well and told my dealer to take care of me. They have opened engine and said there is some problem is valves and repaired it. Gears in intial stage is very bad and its sm Read More...
Commented on rodney.george's review
My father uses Discover 125 CC . Previously he used to fill Power petrol now he changed to Reliance. Does it make any sense to engine if u change the petrol frequently. Because i feel some lazy in the bike if i change another petrol other than power ( i previously used). Plz comment
Commented on pranitk's review
Whats Your Bikes CC? . Is it 125CC. Plz write in brief abt ur experience
Rated on avengine's review
Commented on own review
I Apologize for my Rude Words towards the members here but i stick to my review ..
Complaints Coming all over from the country and i was proved right in reviewing.
Commented on mmkhan's review
I guess u are working in pentasoft. I dont recommend any body to study in pentasoft . Its worthless and i came to know that its going to wind up soon
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