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Member Since:May 24, 2012
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Passion Elite - Potential Winner
Reviewed ND Developers - Bangalore
EDIT: I have just changed the answer to "* Would you recommend "ND Developers - Bangalore" to a friend?" to a "YES". And heres why... (I know I have giRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on FightFraud's review
Commented on FightFraud's review
Your long narrative actually took the wind out of any interest I had in reading about flipkart's problems.
Commented on own review
And this for commencement certificate -> http://www.hindu.com/pp/2009/07/11/stories/2009071150120300.htm
For all the users here, commencement certificate can be obtained after the foundation is laid, refer to this -> http://ecopackindia.wordpress.com/2010/03/22/commencement-certificate-is-mandatory-for-all-apartment-complexes-do-you-have-it/ Hope this helps, specially @elite-customer :-)
@elite_customer, yes, they should produce commencement certificate if demanded by customers. they've started constructionwork as well, so it'll be good if you press them for this. for your information, something about CC here -> i haven't bookd a flat there but quite some of my friends hav Read More...
@pschaudhuri, exactly my point, they start with a bang but have so far failed to deliver on the promise.specially on the delivery time. if they rectify this pattern,i think your friend has made an ok choice looking at the delay in purva skywood.
i'm glad to see that my review has stirred up a lot of people (or is it? ;-)) out there. hope this works for ND guys i.e. if they want to prove me wrong by delivering a sterling project. As i said earlier too, the project no doubt is promising, but what's in store two years down the line totally d Read More...
Rated on reachal's review
Commented on reachal's review
Please cite where all you were satisfied by ND, merely writing ''I'm satisfied'' is too subjective and smacks of phony and pretentious intent. rubbish review. as for me, well i did go to them for their 'passion/elite' project and wrote what I found on the ground, and i'm not their customer precisel Read More...
@vjs08 thanks for rating the post. I wish you best and since you've gone ahead with the booking i would say that it's a good deal if completed on promised time. only thing is that be cautios about the progress as they are just venturing into the big residential space. Keep a check on their financial Read More...
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Venkatesh Iyer (@iyervenkatesh829MouthShut Verified Member)
Akshay Gundecha (@akshaypgundechaMouthShut Verified Member)
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