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Member Since:Aug 05, 2013
0 MS Points
Thanks you for taking interest in Bhagyashri Travels Pvt. Ltd. Today breaking from a mundane life routine to replenish energy is something people look forward to. Moreover a tour away from home is always refreshing. It can be an excellent excuse to spend some quality time with family and friends. A tour can not only be a relaxing experience but also an opportunity to see places of historical and religious importance. Fortunately our world has places which offer plenty of diversity for the same. With Bhagyashri we understand this. We realise this, and sincerely try to make all the provisions and arrangements that would make your tour a complete fulfilment of the expectations. Our commitment, availability of resources and sincere efforts make your tour a real pleasure trip. We have an experience of more than 32 years to our credit and total satisfaction of more than 20,000 families who have travelled with us. , We have at our own office the ambience and resources, state-of-the-art amenities and quality services which would cause you to approach us. Whenever you require our services, our highly experienced Directors and staff are accustomed to provide quality service upto the utmost satisfaction of our clients. Not only we are authorised by the Indian Railways but also recognised by IATA, TAFI, IATO, GOI and MSTOA. We believe that you would approach us with great expectations and we assure you that all arrangements right up to back home are well taken care of. Arrangements for your stay are made in Star Hotels, sightseeing arranged by AC coaches. We take care of your food (Indian) wherever possible. We are certain that from our specialised packages you would find one just right for your needs. I assure, your journey with us will be comfortable, enjoyable and a memorable one
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