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Member Since:Nov 15, 2006
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Just fantastic.
Reviewed Exile and the Kingdom - Albert Camus
Everytime you start something with camus, you must expect an element of unpredictability. This is a collection of six ofthe shorter version of his works. One Read more...
Reality bites
Reviewed TVS Apache 150
Apache is a bike that everyone sees and not many knows. This bike, at first, I wont say a crap, but not the one to die for. The engine is not that reliaRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on mona.agrawal's review
Commented on mona.agrawal's review
Personally, a horrible collection. It seems not much indepth knowledge but a superficial stuff. It is veru personal judgemnet and not a generic one.
Commented on own review
Dear Boyzone220 Ignorance is bliss. Take these words for granted. Be happy with the awards. And about your comparison, if some one watches something, anyway I am not keen on the kind of stuff you wrote about, it is his business. He does not drag others to the hell he dives into. But using any der Read More...
Commented on ffenest's review
It is a good review. Almost a story on iis own. Camus is a different character as far as I am considered. A man who might gone throughthe social and psychological hadrdships may find a reasonable answer to his cretive genious. I doubt whether many of us can read the Camus being the same Camus.
just read it. it is one of the best. I can assure you that you will get something out of it.
Commented on Nicky2006's review
Honda shine is a good option. What about TVS glx 125? Where are you staying these days. in 1553 B.C. or even bit back with certain Apemen. Zeus is a good bike as far as the engine and transmission is concerned. I personally did not like the styling. At the same time, one can not trust the fuel injec Read More...
To Mr. Shahdabshaikh, Be proud of your mistakes (possibly you might have bought one). You have got some serious problem with your culture. It is just an individual statement. No need to use words like fool or so. I think everyone knows bad words. Thing is that who is the one makes use of it. It Read More...
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