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Member Since:Feb 09, 2004
0 MS Points
I am a shy person at first, but at the same time I long to be outgoing and take a while to warm up to you...this being in person. I observe until I feel comfortable and once you get to know me I am silly and have to stop myself talking. <I>That's just the way I'm programmed!!</I> I have rated some reviews but till date haven't written a single one! (that's very bad, no?!) well, consider it a work in progress due to lack of time - excuses, huh? But it's true :o) However, I do like to visit MS often and some reviews are so interestingly good here and some have made me laugh, for eg. G-raptor's rant on Mr. Rajnigandha-chewing-proud-Indian & bald CEO 'Indians Are Not For Sale' commercial...<I>so funny!</I> I like to read about or meet people that are smart and have a witty/sarcastic sense of humor & who can stomach mine because I like to laugh at the silliest things... however you must not be stupid because that would just be <I>so wrong</I>... My life's ambition is to travel around the world. I like to learn/speak various languages - currently, Hindi, French, Arabic, Urdu... Another factoid about me is that I don't like IM'ing. I'm really sorry to those who I've politely declined to IM and bored them with my excuse of how I like to email/M2M -- hehe ;o) What can I say? I guess I have an IM phobia!! However, if anyone has any tips on the benefits of IM'ing than that would be cool. Otherwise, M2Ms/email are fine until I recover from my IM phobia!! Favorite phrase by my favorite author: <I>'Omnia mutantur, nihil interit.'</I> I can't think about anything else to tell you... :o). what are those?!
About Me
Education: psychologist by day/designer by night
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Ruh-oh! No secrets to share.
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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Commented on niteshambuj's review
Hi Nitish, I've always seen this book advertised but now with your informative review I know it's definately worth buying! Take care, Annu
Commented on chhaya_1's review
Hi Chhaya, I liked how you expressed yourself in this informative review! Take care, Annu
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