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Member Since:Aug 09, 2010
3 MS Points
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Pulsar 135 LS - A lite stylish peppy city bike
Reviewed Bajaj Pulsar 135 LS
Friends, I bought Bajaj Pulsar 135 LS on 13th Nov 2010. I am writing this review after completing 500 kilometers. At first when I thought about buying a newRead more...
Bajaj Discover150 Vs Yamaha SS125
Reviewed Bajaj Discover 150
I am planning to Buy a new Bike. My choices are [1] Yamaha SS 125 & [2] Bajaj Discover 150. I am very confused between these two bikes. Please help me chooRead more...
Yamaha SS 125 Vs Bajaj Discover 150
Reviewed Yamaha Gladiator SS
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on harigajjela's review
Commented on harigajjela's review
Review doesn't substanciate the title. Very bad review
Commented on arijitdas779's review
may b u r bit unlucky... its a worth buying bike for the price with great mileage n stylish looks..
Rated on arijitdas779's review
Rated on priyankagoyal9999's review
Rated on prabhat2502's review
Commented on prabhat2502's review
prabhat2502, Are you a Hero Salesman ??? Your review clearly sounds that way !!! :). None of the problems mentioned by you was actually observed. p135 is a very powerful and stylish bike for young and energetic people. Not for uncles !!!! Got it ???
Commented on leeniv's review
HP is the best.... I m getting 57-63 kmpl with p135. try to drive at consistant speed between 40 - 60 kmph. it will surely fetch u more mileage... happy biking :)
Commented on bhatnagarhot987's review
I don't agree with your point that p135 is having engine problem. It is an awesome bike with good combo of power and mileage. Even then if you are looking for an alternate bike, consider Yamaha Sz-R / Yamaha SX 125 / Honda Unicorn / New Discover 125 ST.
Commented on aravindGee's review
Excellent review mate !!! You and me share many points in common. A very balanced review. You have made the right choice of choosing this bike :)
Commented on yes_nenu's review
If u r planning to use it with in city, p135LS was the ultimate choice. If u r planing to make very frequent long drives, go for yamaha ss/sz. Fix your needs and then decide !!!
Commented on sushantthakur2k7's review
You saying that I don't own p135 eh ??? ... I have written a blog on my p135. Check out my blog bro http://varzeon.blogspot.com/2011/04/mypulsar.html I agree Fz was a good bike compared to p135 in handling and comfort, but what about cost and mileage ?? U will come to know :). There is no relat Read More...
Commented on bmesystem's review
fake review .... Please stop making useless stories. Totally disagree with whatever said here.
Rated on hap14091982's review
Commented on hap14091982's review
Fake review guys ... I have been using p135 for more than a year. I didn't get any of the problems mentioned here. It seems there are many people out there who wants to spoil pulsar's name and brand reputation. Please don't get deceived by these fake reviews. I totally agree with hsm_09, rpviswa a Read More...
Rated on sushantthakur2k7's review
Yet another useless, non sense, fake review with no valid points. May be you are a worst driver :) Didnt even mentioned his new yamaha bike name ??. I suspect he is just a yamaha fan and not a real owner of p135... Mouthshut, Please take steps to stop such non sense ....
Commented on own review
Hi alidanish, Thanks for the complement :) My p135 is just awesome. I am using my bike for daily commuting, 15 kms to and from office in the busy Chennai city. Till date I have driven around 4000 Kms. Continues to get the same avg mileage of 58 kmpl. I stick on to whatever I have said in my i Read More...
Commented on perthchat's review
Bro, Accelerate a little while starting. It should work !!!
Commented on amithpramod's review
Consider p135 and Yamaha SZ-R 150.
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