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Member Since:May 21, 2003
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. Formula One!
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Education: MBA
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Buying a PC? Deciding a Configuration?
Reviewed Buying a Computer
One of the toughest jobs these days while purchasing a PC is - how to get the best possible configuration, preventing it from getting obsolete in 6 months, wiRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on parameswaran's review
The review has been very useful. However, can you please provide some more information as to how is your 'Josh Machine' performing on the Bangalore Roads in their latest condition. Good Overall Review. -Vishal
Rated on parameswaran's review
Rated on mnc123's review
Commented on Traveller's review
Hi Ramesh, I am planning to go for the entry-level Fiesta from Ford. However, your mention about the high cost of Service and Spares is a bit of a dampener. Can you please shed some more light on the same. Thanks, Vishal
Rated on Traveller's review
Commented on brohit's review
Hi Rohit, Your comaprisons have been a big help. I have driven the Icon and am now waiting for Test Driving the Fiesta. However, can you please shed some light on the service / spares costs from Ford? Vishal
Commented on mnc123's review
Hi Milind, The comparisons you have made are a real help. Can you please provide me with some information regarding the service and the spares costs from Ford. I am thnking about the latest Fiesta, but the maintenance after 2+ years seems a bit scary after going through the reviews written by Read More...
Commented on own review
Srini, the naming convention of AMD Athelon 2800, 3000, 3400 is nothing but comparing them to the Intel's 2.8, 3.0 and 3.4 respectively. Naturally they try to make it better than Intel's processors. If costs don't matter, you may even want to look at Intel's P V which has been launched in US and Read More...
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