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Member Since:May 23, 2005
0 MS Points
The truth is I donno much 'bout myself... . chit chatting with frnds, reading books on programming at times, playing basketall, tt, and of course cricket...
About Me
Education: doing engg...
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Not so good
Reviewed Five Point Someone - Chetan Bhagat
Boring... Somewhere in the cover youd find this "Funny, dark and nonstop..." Well its the second thing "dark" that makes this book different and to be Read more...
Speech: an art? maybe but am sure its psychology
Reviewed Delivering an Effective Speech
(Part 2) Well, I wrote on this very same topic one year back. I liked writing it. Now, in this one year, I learnt a lot about delivering effective speeches (Read more...
Interviews may even be like this
Reviewed Tips on Searching for Jobs
I am about to enter an engineering college next month, and I have some good three or four years before I attend an interview for a job. But as for now I have Read more...
A paragraph on ''Positive thinking''
Reviewed Effective Time Management at Work
THE POWER OF POSITIVE THINKING: ======================== Positive thinking, I feel is a great force which can keep you happy, contenRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on Elwing's review
Commented on own review
A short speech When one orator was invited to present a speech he said, ' Well, If the speech should be for five minutes, then I need ten days to prepare, for a ten minutes speech I need a week, for a fifteen minute speech I need a day, and for a one hour speech, well I'm ready now.' Hmmm... Get th Read More...
Have you heard of this? Anecdote #2 I don't remember the name but he's a well known greek orator. He had the tendency to stammer. To overcome that, he practised speaking filling his mouth with pebbles! His practice for sure helped him. He was able to overcome his stammering tendency! Now even af Read More...
'To learn swimming, get into the water' Well I'm not quoting this here, without any relevance. What I intend to say by this is that, one cannot learn 'public speaking' unless he gets to the stage. Oh! There's something that prevents a person from getting to the stage and that thing is 'fear'. Well i Read More...
thanx for da comments.... Now I've replaced that one with another.... (so the one for which you have commented for---> I've placed it here, in the comments section) Thanx again for those comments... Really encouraging they were.
ya as you can see, this was my first review- wrote something without knowing anything about how MS reviews are... anyway good that i've learnt something now :) thanx 4 ur comments... (I'll keep learning)
Rated on anik8's review
Rated on lodhra's review
Commented on Shekhar_Khera's review
Its all very well said. It's themeless and reasonless and most songs sound the same... but certain songs though they're of the same old theme, are good to listen to. 'I'm complicated' is good and anyone wud like it cuz anyone can relate himself with it. I feel this album isn't so bad as your review Read More...
Rated on dazzlingpiscean's review
Commented on dazzlingpiscean's review
Hi, Nice work, for you have put in beautifully, all the features of flash 5 in this review. But the thing which I don't like about flash 5 is that it doesn't provide the 'interactive, animated' help for creating animations as Flash 3 did, and a beginner is forced to read through the boring help p Read More...
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