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Member Since:Jun 13, 2002
0 MS Points
I am 29-years of age and still a big kid at heart. I am very humourous and have been known to take any serious conversation and turn it into something so perverted and funny you can't help but laugh. I want to travel around the world in the worst way ever, however that is so expensive... I like to write meaningless short stories that I keep to myself. They are kind of therapeutic in a way and also sacred. No one is allowed to view them. Maybe one day I will work up the courage to publish....maybe! Music is my passion, I love all types of music and whatever hits my mood is what I will listen to. I especially like World Music and jazz. I am a Pices and can be quite moody. Not evil, angry and/or bitter, just moody. My close friends and family know this and just let me be. I appreciate that. BTW...<b>I love being me!!</b> . I enjoy reading science fiction and fantasy. I am pursuing an Bachelor's in Multimedia Production and Web design at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh. I am so excited to go back to school to study something I really enjoy. I like studying Macromedia and Flash design. I would love to help creates video games and movies.
About Me
Education: Associates of Arts
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